Placeholder 06: Sick Tech

Placeholder is a podcast dedicated to, and produced for, the supporting members of our Patreon community. We’re proud to offer episode one to all, and we invite you to hear more by becoming a patron today.

Hi everyone. It's time for another Placeholder.

I'm getting over being sick. No, that's not a big deal. It's hitting everyone. But where I differ from a lot of people is that I have a podcast about tech... and the whole time I was sick, I was thinking about the tech I use to measure all the medical things about me.

Along the way, I talk about Withings. Specifically, the Withings Body, the Withings Thermo, and the Withings BPM Connect. From there, we dig into the Apple Watch and Apple Health. Not into Apple? Withings offers the ScanWatch, which is highly recommended and super classy.

The tune this week is "I Have a Cold" by Curt Siffert. You can find more of his music (but not that song) on Apple Music and Spotify.

Finally, learn a little more about Harmy's Despecialized Editions of the Star Wars Original Trilogy. It's a cool project from some people who appreciate the classics as classics.


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