Placeholder 07: How to Live a Thousand Lives Before You Die

Placeholder is a podcast dedicated to, and produced for, the supporting members of our Patreon community. We’re proud to offer episode one to all, and we invite you to hear more by becoming a patron today.

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies ... The man who never reads lives only one.” That's George R.R. Martin. He's not involved in this podcast beyond having a mic-drop quote on this week's subject: learning to read with tech.

Might seem like a strange thing for a podcast ostensibly about technology to be thinking about words on the page. But wait, hear me out! The reasons for reading — even if we disregard the mind-expanding, transformational exuberance that comes from engaging in a good pulpy novel — are far greater: You might live longer.

So this week, I'm talking about that. Why do we read, how do I find books, what sorts of tools do I employ to do the reading, and then track my notes and ideas that come from it.

Links & Notes


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