Of Mice and Machines • Exploring AiDHD

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Yup, it's true: I really dig this new crop of AI tools. Sure, I played around at first and tried to make them go crazy and break. But it didn't take too long for the fun to wear out and some real work stepping up to the desk.

After a significant bout of terror and soul-searching, rooted in my existential fear that robots would take over the world, I realized that these tools are absolutely amazing. In fact, once I started using them in the context of my real life throughout my real day, I realized I could get more done, think more clearly, and break through more cognitive roadblocks than ever before.

AI is not the end of humanity. But it might be the beginning of something pretty cool.

Of course, there are risks. But before we talk about the risks, we need to talk about some of the incredible benefits. To do that, I have invited my dear friend and programmer Curt Siffert to the show to talk about how he is using this technology to help him do his job every day. From there, I walk through a number of tools that I have started to use and integrate into my own workflow to help me work faster and smarter. The bottom line for ADHD is this: any tool that allows me to work through the points of friction in my day is a massive win, and this AI wave is all about removing friction.

Here is a list of some of the software and tools that I mentioned in the show where you can go and learn more yourself.


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