Placeholder 10: Unboxing Potential: Nikki’s Sketchy Awakening to the Apple Pencil

Placeholder is a podcast dedicated to, and produced for, the supporting members of our Patreon community. We’re proud to offer episode one to all, and we invite you to hear more by becoming a patron today.

It’s been sitting on her shelf for two years, but today, we tear the shrink-wrap. Nikki Kinzer unboxes her dusty Apple Pencil 2 and puts it to work on her iPad for the very first time.

Yes, this is an Apple-heavy episode, but I hope you'll be able to take away some broader tech-exploration lessons from our conversation today. And, if we do anything right here at all, you'll learn about some things to do with pencil-in-hand that might make using your iPad a better all-around experience.

Nikki's using the iPad Air and the Apple Pencil 2 for this conversation. We talk about the stock iPad OS apps, and drop mention of Good Notes and Notability at the end.


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