355: We're Wired for Distraction!
Yes, you know what ADHD does to your attention. But did you know that part of your distractibility might just be because you're ... human?
354: Friendship & ADHD (Part 2)
Building and maintaining strong friendships is critical to emotional well-being. When we announced that we were doing a show on friendships and ADHD, you spoke up.
353: Friendship & ADHD (Part 1)
Building and maintaining strong friendships is critical to emotional well-being. But ADHD characteristics can put a damper on social convention. How to cope?
352: Memory & ADHD — Remember What?
We're talking about memory this week, the functions of memory that may be impaired with ADHD and strategies for improving your memory that come from some surprising places!
348: What’s the difference between an excuse and a reason?
How can you tell the difference between a legitimate reason you’re not able to do something and an excuse that you’ve started telling to get yourself out of it? Strange as it may sound, we’ve gone to the Oxford English Dictionary for help and — spoiler — that just made things worse!
347: Do you have FOLI?
Do you have FOLI? Never heard of it? Don’t worry, we hadn’t either. But if you’re living with ADHD, once we tell you about “Fear of Losing Interest,” we’re pretty sure you’ll be able to relate.
346: Loneliness
If you're living with ADHD, you know what it's like to feel misunderstood. That isolation can lead you to a place where advice like, "you should just get out more," is tough to take seriously. Today on the show, we're talking all about loneliness.
344: Do Rewards Really Work for ADHD?
Does the reward actually keep you motivated to continue to move forward on your projects? This week on the show, we’re talking about reward systems and ADHD and have some terrific suggestions from our brilliant listeners that you can try to keep yourself motivated and happy!
343: Following up on "The Complex" with James and Jules Ochoa
James and Jules Ochoa have just wrapped their first season of The Complex, a podcast that approaches ADHD through the lens of a fictional apartment complex and it’s many ADHDer residents. They’re here today to share a bit about their experience and lessons learned in approaching the ADHD community through a podcast platform.
341: Using color to brighten up your ADHD
We’re getting colorful this week on the show! After a quick review of some cool emoji tools to take your charm AND organizational skills to a new level, we dig into chromotherapy and how you can use color to help sooth some of the challenges of ADHD.
338: You're frozen — how do you defrost?
We’re taking on anxiety this week. Specifically, that feeling of paralysis that comes from ADHD overwhelm and panic.
337: ADHD Inattentive Type with Dr. Doug!
Doug Herr is back with us all the way from Nashville to talk about ADHD Inattentive Type!
331: Introducing The Complex with James and Jules Ochoa
James and Jules Ochoa join us today to celebrate the upcoming launch of their new podcast, "The Complex." In it, they tell the story of a fictional apartment building and the manager trying to manage the eclectic personalities of it's tenants. Episode one is included at the end of this show in its entirety.
328: Women & ADHD — The ADHD Women’s Palooza with guest Linda Roggli
Linda Roggli is an award-winning author and founder of the ADDiva Network supporting women who are 40-and-better. As one of the founders of the ADHD Women’s Palooza she’s created an online conversation with the world’s top experts in ADHD and women. She’s back on the show today to share the latest research about issues that affect women with ADHD in particular, along with some great reasons you should think about attending the ADHD Women’s Palooza yourself!
327: Organizing What You Learn
You’re working hard to learn and grow, to discover new things and be a better person, right? But in that process, how do you catalog and internalize all things you’re learning so that you’ll be able to recall them later and use them when you need them most … even when you don’t know when that will be?