Online Courses

What’s an online course through TCA?


Each online course includes hours of guided video presentations broken into short, easy-to-digest blocks. Each block is designed to teach you a key concept or skill you can apply immediately.

We’ve done the research and study with experts in the field, testing and refining strategies with clients. Each of these courses represents our best effort to distill the most effective processes for building better systems for living with ADHD. 

Buried in your piles of mail are bills, invitations, and personal letters. Clearing paper clutter will certainly feel good on the surface, but if that was all we were after — feeling good — then we could just recycle it and go on with our lives. Not so easy, right? But there is a way out from under the piles to create a more resilient you, and it’s a methodology specifically designed for the ADHD brain!

You start things but rarely finish them. Your to-do list is full of tasks that don’t get done. You struggle when you need to focus long enough to accomplish anything and, if you stop to think about it, you’re consistently late for your commitments. This is an online course that will help you through those struggles and teach you how to organize your time with ADHD — and get the most out of every day!

You're flipping through the latest organizing magazine and panic because you know even with the best intentions, what you see is never going to be your reality. Guess what? Their way is not the only way. Organizing is not about perfection and pretty baskets. It’s about finding what you need, when you need it. In this program, you will learn the steps on how to organize any space.


Guided Planning Sessions


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