Love Yourself

Finding ways to experience self-compassion can help build resilience.

Living with ADHD can bring about a lot of negative thoughts and emotions. It can be easy to want to blame yourself and think the worst.

It is important to remember to be kind to yourself.

While you may experience setbacks due to your ADHD symptoms, it’s important to not compare your situation to others or make yourself feel bad. 

If you find yourself constantly beating yourself up when you experience a setback, there are ways you can begin to build yourself up and practice self-compassion.

  • Meditation

    • The act of mindful meditation encourages you to experience the world around you without judgement. Simple observation helps to put your experiences in a perspective free of blame.

  • Gratitude journal

    • Using a gratitude journal forces you to look for the positive things you experience each day. You can take this a step further by making each entry something you are grateful for about yourself. While it may be hard to find the silver linings at first, continuing this practice will encourage you to set aside the blame and start embracing things about yourself.

  • Become your best friend

    • Imagine it’s not you experiencing these setbacks, but a close friend coming to tell you about their faults. Most likely, you would attempt to make them feel better and explain that “these things happen to everyone” and “not every day will be like this”. 

    • These explanations can begin to replace your negative thoughts as you treat yourself like you would treat your best friend.

The act of self-blame and negative self-talk will not serve you well. 

Learning how to practice self-compassion will build resilience and self-confidence that will help you along your journey.

The most important thing to remember is you are worth it!

Thanks for your time and attention,



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