Multi-Tasking, Transitions, & ADHD
Do you find your mind wandering during long meetings? Is it difficult to figure out how to work on three projects that are all due at the same time? Read on to learn more about multi-tasking and how to smoothly transition from project to project.

How to Slow Down Your Fast Mind
Do you ever find your brain racing so fast, you just can’t get it to stop? It’s like riding a bicycle downhill, if you break too hard, you're sure to fall! Or maybe you feel like you’re being pulled in a million directions and trying to focus on just one thing feels impossible. These thoughts are very common with ADHD and I came up with a few suggestions on slowing the brain down, so you can at least feel back in control.

How To Focus On What Matters!
It's no secret that ADHD can take away your focus. Here are 5 tips on how to focus on what really matters.