You’ve Got Mail!

100 emails a day.

That’s the average number of emails someone is expected to receive every day according to the statistics reported by multiple sources including the resource directory platform, EarthWeb. And apparently that number doesn’t even account for spam!

Let’s try a little math problem using this data:

100 emails/day x 365 days/year

equals =

36,500 emails per year (+ spam)!

With those kinds of numbers, it’s no wonder so many ADHDers feel overwhelmed by their ever-growing inbox!

It’s funny, but I’m suddenly reminded of the chocolate factory episode of the TV show, I Love Lucy.

If you haven’t seen it, Lucy and Ethel have taken a job in a chocolate factory, pulling chocolates off a slow-moving conveyor belt and placing them in boxes. Everything starts out fine until the factory supervisor shouts for the conveyor belt to move faster. Lucy and Ethel are able to keep up for a little while longer, but soon, the chocolate is flying by at such a fast pace that they start shoving chocolate into their pockets, down their blouses, and into their mouths in an effort to appear like they are keeping up with the demand. It’s hilarious!

I imagine that trying to stay on top of your email inbox might feel just as crazy, but without all the fun of chocolate!

Over the years on Take Control: The ADHD Podcast, Pete and I have had many discussions about email. In fact, recently, Pete shared an email update for 2022 on The ADHD Podcast! We talked about so many different tips, tricks, and topics, that this blog would be way too long if I tried to recap it all.

So, instead of repeating a lot of the same information, I’m going to simply recommend that you listen to this updated email episode from Season 25 of The ADHD Podcast. It may even help you see your inbox as a little less intimidating, and maybe just a touch sweeter.

Ep 2515: Techvember: The 2022 ADHD Email Review

Thank you for your time and attention!



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