Guided Planning Sessions
GPS™ is a monthly membership designed around planning, prioritizing, accountability, and success.
GPS™ Enrollment is Closed!
Join the GPS™ Membership Program and get support to navigate your plan, get more done, and build a community of others looking to navigate their lives confidently. Enrollment is currently closed so stay tuned right here and add your name to the waitlist!
Membership: $250/month
How GPS Works
GPS™ begins with a membership site that is dedicated only to planning. We’ll introduce you to the four stages of GPS™ and — depending on the stage of planning experience and your comfort level — we’ll determine what you will be doing in the weekly GPS™ sessions.
Each stage has its own page of resource material — from videos to posts, and worksheets, all to help you meet your milestones and move onto the next stage of GPS™.
When you first sign up for GPS™, we will meet individually to find out what stage you are in and where to get started.
The weekly meetings are structured around a specific planning process to guide you from evaluating your calendar and tasks to prioritizing what is most important, and you’ll practice intentional planning to ensure you get done what needs to get done.
Charting a New Path
Finding Your Way
ADHD does not mean that you are lost, but it might feel that way.
You see a map. You can see where you’d like to go. But there is no route connecting the two points. Between them is just a nest of roads obscured by mountains and tress with no navigable path.
You know exactly where you are, and where you want to go, but between the two: a mess.
For many living with ADHD, the same mess exists between two points on your schedule: Monday and Friday. On the calendar, between two points, a mess of tasks, goals, and obligations sitting firmly on a map of possibilities with no direction, no map illuminating how to get it all done.
Until Now:
Introducing Guided Planning Sessions
This is where your customized GPS™ guide comes in. GPS™ stands for Guided Planning Sessions, a membership program designed to give you a map that you can actually navigate.
Each step along the way, we’ll approach our time with the utmost intention by working new muscles in three key areas:
Task Management
Intentional Planning
We’ve been doing this work for a long time. We know that the act of planning is a significant challenge for ADHDers.
How do you make time to plan?
How do you avoid over-complicating the process?
Where do you start?
The Stages of GPS
Stage One - The Beginner
Not committed to any calendar or task management system. Feels overwhelmed and lost on where to start planning.
Stage Two - The Builder
Committed to a calendar and task management system. Now, it’s time to build it. Transferring projects and breaking down tasks.
Stage Three - The Planner
Working in your new system, practicing the strategies from GPS™ to make planning a habit. Making adjustments when needed.
Stage Four - The Alumni
Trusted calendar and task management system in place. Appreciates the support of GPS™. Requires: 3+ months in the membership.
Weekly Planning Sessions
We offer three times for Monday/Thursday planning sessions and three Q&A / body double sessions.
7:00am - 7:50am PT (10:00am-10:50am ET) - GPS™ Planning Session
8:00am - 9:00am PT (11:00am 12:00pm ET) - Open Discussion (Q & A) / Body Double Session
9:00am - 9:50am PT (12:00pm-12:50pm ET) - GPS™ Planning Session
10:00am - 11:00am PT (1:00pm-2:00pm ET) - Open Discussion (Q & A) / Body Double Session
11:00am - 12:00pm PT (2:00pm-3:00pm ET) - Open Discussion (Q & A) / Body Double Session
12:00pm - 1:00pm PT (3:00pm -4:00pm ET) - GPS™ Planning Session

Join a Group. Find Your Path. Get Moving.
You're not alone. This is meant to be a safe place to be yourself, to be understood. This is not about learning a magical strategy to fix this or that. This membership is about real conversation. It is a place to listen and be heard.
What to expect in GPS
Weekly Planning Sessions
Follow a step-by-step process to plan the week ahead.
Review and update your calendar and task manager.
Prioritize projects and tasks.
Practice intentional planning to schedule when tasks will get done.
On Thursday, make the necessary adjustments to finish the week.
Includes planning for the upcoming weekend.
GPS™ Membership Website
The membership site is organized by the stages of GPS™ plus additional pages dedicated to long-term planning, planning tools, and resources for ADHD.
Content is versatile and engaging, delivered via videos, articles, and worksheets.
The GPS™ Blog, dedicated to planning and productivity, publishes a new post monthly.
Provides handy tips and strategies applicable at any stage of GPS™.
Accountability Partners
Join our weekly Q & A / Body Double sessions every Monday and Thursday to work on those avoided tasks.
Enjoy complimentary access to the Accountability Anchor sessions inside Discord.
Enjoy the assistance of accountability partners who manage the Pomodoro Timer for you.
Seize this opportunity to accomplish the work you've planned to get done.
Online Community
Join the group and stay motivated with your GPS™ friends in our Discord Community Server.
Engage anytime between sessions.
Use this platform to ask questions and share updates.
Explore several channels dedicated to different topics for organized conversations.
Reference these channels for information throughout your GPS™ membership.
GPS™ Workshops
Every month, Nikki holds a GPS™ workshop to focus specifically on a planning topic. These workshops are recorded and planned outside of the regular weekly planning session.
Every quarter, we save the monthly workshop to focus on how to implement long-term planning in the weekly GPS™ process.
Every Monday and Thursday, Nikki hosts an open discussion / Q & A in between the weekly planning sessions.
Special Events
Enjoy an upgraded Discord status to the highest tier (Platinum Level) as a GPS™ member.
Join in on the monthly Happy Hour with Nikki & Pete.
Benefit from the monthly Coaching sessions with Nikki.
Savor the monthly Coffee (really, technology) chats with Pete.
Gain exclusive access to the Patreon-only podcast: Placeholder with Pete Wright.
What People Are Saying
Frequent Questions
Group Coaching is an interactive experience in which you work with your coach and a small group of people discussing your collective ADHD challenges and topics, which vary from week to week. There is a start and end date, and sessions last anywhere from six to twelve weeks.
GPS™, or Guided Planning Sessions, is a monthly membership program with no end date. You can stay in the program as long as you would like to, and as long as you are taking value from it. GPS™ is built around building a planning system. There are different stages in the membership used as milestones that measure your proficiency as a planner as you get closer to the system that works best for you.
The membership includes its own website with a library of videos and content specific to GPS™, along with many other benefits.
It’s these components that set GPS™ apart from a group coaching experience.
It’s OK! You are in Stage One: The Beginner. We have videos to help you choose your systems, and, in Stage Two, how to build them. So, instead of trying to figure this out on our own, take advantage of your GPS™ peers — including myself — who can help you along.
The weekly sessions are not interactive or webinar-style. These are work sessions. Before you attend a live GPS™ session, you will watch the GPS™ Process Course that explains what we do in these sessions.
This time is dedicated for you to do your planning, and depending on your stage, this will look different for everyone on the call. Some people may be watching videos from the Membership site on choosing the right task management system (Stage One), but then we might have an alumni member who has already gone through the GPS™ process with me.
Every Monday and Thursday, we have three open discussion (Q & A) to answer any questions and for group discussion. This happens in Zoom.
During the sessions, if a question comes up, I ask that you put it in the chat to avoid disturbing the other members. I will answer those questions during the session in the chat. If time allows, I will answer questions at the end of the session for the last 10 minutes or so. This allows me to answer your questions and for others to chime in.
You can also ask questions and keep in touch in Discord. This is the communication platform we use in between sessions.
You are welcome to attend any GPS™ Planning sessions that work best within your schedule. If you are done with your weekly planning and would like to body double, you are welcome to do so. The sessions are your time to do what is best for you and to work at your own pace.
There is no recommended length of time to participate in the membership. I want people to progress at their own pace. Your participation depends on your stage and how confident you are with your system. We are here to help if you get stuck and will continue to add new features to the membership over time.
The membership is designed to be an ongoing resource, so we created the Alumni Stage. Even if you have a great system, it is always a work in progress, and people like the space and accountability that GPS™ provides to stick with your planning.
To be a part of the Alumni, you must have been in GPS™ for at least three plus months and have a system you use consistently and feel comfortable with. We offer the Alumni membership at a discounted rate.