Shiny Objects & Smart Machines: AI’s Role in ADHD Productivity Part I
Artificial intelligence is everywhere—shaping how we work, think, and even how we manage our ADHD. But is AI a game-changing cognitive assistant or just another digital white whale primed to swallow our focus whole?
This week, Pete Wright and his AI-curious co-pilot Nikki Kinzer embark on tour of ADHD and AI. With AI tools evolving at a dizzying pace, the duo explores how these technologies can either empower or derail neurodivergent minds.
Throughout the episode, they share some of the tools making waves in the ADHD community, from AI-powered task managers like Motion and Reclaim to text-based assistants like ChatGPT and Claude. They also unpack the critical distinction between AI as a thought partner versus an unreliable oracle—one that is often confidently wrong.
But AI isn't just about efficiency. Pete and Nikki probe the philosophical and ethical dilemmas AI presents: Is AI truly augmenting human potential, or are we handing over too much cognitive agency to machines?
Links & Notes
Explore AI tools we talked about on the show
Pete Wright:
Hello, everybody, and welcome to Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast on TruStory FM. I'm Pete Wright and that right there is my AI co-pilot, Nikki Kinzer.
Nikki Kinzer:
Hello, everyone. Here I am. Hello, Pete Wright AI.
Pete Wright:
Nikki LLM. This is very exciting. This was by request. I think it was by your request-
Nikki Kinzer:
It is by my request-
Pete Wright:
... to do a show about AI. So people aren't banging down the door of your office saying, "Please talk about AI on the show again."
Nikki Kinzer:
Well, people are banging down the door asking... Not asking, actually letting me know how they're using AI in these fabulous ways to help them with their ADHD and it's a topic that I thought we need to discuss.
Pete Wright:
Yeah. I think it's a good topic to discuss and it changes so fast. I think there's room to do these kinds of conversations with some frequency. I just want to set up that the way I've approached the outline for today's... I'll have some recommendations of products, but there's also a lot of just, how should we be thinking about AI in terms of our ADHD and our lives. And so, I hope there's a healthy balance between the two. This is not just a product recommendation show.
And I know people are looking for product recommendations show, but it's the same thing. What's the best tool for ADHD? What's the best planner for ADHD? There isn't. There isn't one. It's whatever is best for you and what you need it for. So that's how I'm approaching this conversation and we'll take it from there.
Nikki Kinzer:
Sounds good.
Pete Wright:
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For some people, Nikki, it is a marvel. It's an efficiency machine. It's a digital assistant. It's a second brain. You hear all of these kinds of terms. For others, it's a mystery. It's a black box. It is very, very confusing. There is a reason that AI is controversial. Not just because of how it's made, trained on vast swaths of human labor without consent, but because of what it represents. A tool that could either liberate or trap us.
For people with ADHD, AI is both a promise and peril. It has the peril to organize our chaotic thoughts, to structure our days, to help us follow through, but it also has the power to pull us deeper into the distractions we already struggle with. So today, we're asking the question, can artificial intelligence truly help ADHD minds thrive or is it just another mirage in the desert of productivity hacks? That's my opening statement. What do you think? Where do you come at this stuff?
Nikki Kinzer:
I find it really powerful. I find it to be not always accurate and sometimes not helpful. So there's a little bit of a balance. But I, for personal reasons, I find it very helpful in a lot of ways. And with clients, I have found it to be very helpful for them in some ways. But I also have some clients who do not want to be a part of it. So I think your description here is definitely true with what I see with the people that I help and support.
Pete Wright:
Yeah. And I don't know... I mean, I don't... I think if you're listening to the show and you're one of those people who absolutely don't want to be a part of ADHD, I guess I'd continue... I'd ask you to continue listening-
Nikki Kinzer:
ADHD or AI? Because I...They may not want to be a part of ADHD.
Pete Wright:
I'm an AI right now, so I make mistakes. Right. That's my out.
Nikki Kinzer:
That was a mistake. Yeah. It's a good one.
Pete Wright:
So if you're listening to this and you don't want to have anything to do with AI, I get it. I respect it and I think that you might just find yourself screaming at your phone if you continue to listen to this conversation. Not because I'm necessarily 100% booster of AI, but because I do believe that the tools themselves have already demonstrated purpose in my life and it solves a problem.
I'll talk about the mental model I use for when I approach a tool with AI to organize my thoughts and when I won't. But you may find that if you don't want to have that conversation, it's okay to turn us off. You don't have to listen and just be mad. I encourage you not to listen and be... Don't hate listen to us. Never hate listen to us. Just turn it off. Your day will be better.
So with that glowing invitation to our conversation.
Nikki Kinzer:
I know, right? Yes.
Pete Wright:
Let us begin. So ADHD, as we talk about, it's framed as a disorder and that we're all out looking to fix our ADHD. But really, it's a conversation. ADHD is a conversation about creativity and restlessness in our creative approach to solving problems and focus. And so, I really started thinking about this as a paradox of the attention economy. That we live in this age where everyone struggles with focus, notifications and information overload and endless digital noise. This modern world is ADHD-inducing for-
Nikki Kinzer:
Pete Wright:
Nikki Kinzer:
Pete Wright:
And I think, ironically, ADHD minds are made for it, right? I think in spite of the fact that we complain about the fact that we're overloaded with information, our minds jump between ideas very, very quickly, they connect dots that others miss, and AI might just be the perfect partner for a nonlinear brain like ours. So I'm an optimist when it comes to stuff, if you haven't gotten that from me yet. So that's what we're exploring today.
So let's start with ADHD and your AI sidekick. So Person A, we'll call them Joey. Joey wakes up, does not have AI. Wakes up immediately overwhelmed by a flood of forgotten tasks. Do you know the feeling when you wake up in the morning and you realize, "Oh my god. I don't know where this idea comes from. It's Monday morning and the time changed yesterday and I lost an hour. But my body didn't wake up on time, even though my brain has been up for an extra hour perseverating on the things that I forgot to do yesterday. And now, I've lost an hour and my day is ruined." I don't know who that guy is. We'll call him Joey or Pete and-
Nikki Kinzer:
Or Pete AI. Yeah.
Pete Wright:
Pete AI. Pete opens email and is totally sidetracked by new ideas and requests and forgets what he was supposed to do in the first place. By noon, he started five projects, finished none, and feels exhausted. Five is a low number for me. It is a low, low number. No boxes checked, no projects shipped, and that is-
Nikki Kinzer:
And a shame spiral-
Pete Wright:
That's a shame spiral. Exactly.
Nikki Kinzer:
... probably waiting to happen. Yes.
Pete Wright:
So in spite of this next thing I'm going to say sounding like a commercial for products, what if Pete AI were to wake up to Motion AI which dynamically organizes my day based on the priorities I've set and the time I have available? What if I use, which schedules my tasks automatically based on urgency and time available? What if by noon, I've actually completed deep work without mental exhaustion of keeping the tasks at the top of my head? What if I was allowed to offload those tasks to a system that actually learns from how I do my work and schedules those things for me? That is-
Nikki Kinzer:
That sounds amazing.
Pete Wright:
It is the ultimate expression of the brain dump, right? We talk about the brain dump as this thing that we use to get all the ideas out of our head. But the cavern that exists between getting the ideas out of our head and getting the ideas turned into work that we do can be vast for people. What if these AI tools actually have an answer to that crevasse, that gorge? I don't know. I'm using a lot of words that loosely mean things adjacent to other things. Big space between two ideas, that's what we're trying to close with some of these tools. So AI isn't necessarily about productivity for productivity's sake and that's why I don't just recommend, "Go use AI," because there's no AI in the context of this conversation. There are specific tools and implementations that may work for your brain better than others. So that's... Yes, you're raising-
Nikki Kinzer:
Yeah. Ask another question.
Pete Wright:
... you're literally raising your hand. Yeah.
Nikki Kinzer:
Yes. So I know that when I first started using AI, you told me to look into Poe.
Pete Wright:
I did.
Nikki Kinzer:
And Poe has a bunch of different types of AI included in it. Would I be able to find Motion AI and and Poe?
Pete Wright:
Nikki Kinzer:
Okay. Good to know.
Pete Wright:
Okay. But I'm so glad you brought that up. We're going to talk about Poe in a little bit. But first, I have to introduce Chapter 2.5 in my discussion-
Nikki Kinzer:
I love it.
Pete Wright:
The 0.5 represents, "Oops, I forgot to talk about a thing. I better insert it here."
Nikki Kinzer:
Pete Wright:
This is where we have to understand AI models. Have you heard people talking about models?
Nikki Kinzer:
No. This is all very new to me and this is exactly why I wanted to do this show.
Pete Wright:
Nikki Kinzer:
I know about Poe and I know about Poe-
Pete Wright:
... Poe-
Nikki Kinzer:
... because of Pete.
Pete Wright:
Poe, Pete, models. All right. When you open Poe, you see this list of... They call them bots, right? Each one of those bots that you can have a chat with is a model. They're all models. Poe is a bucket of models. What is a model? All right. So when companies talk about AI, they are really talking about AI models. These are complex systems trained to recognize patterns in massive amounts of data. These models, they aren't thinking right?
They really aren't thinking the way humans think. The way humans take information and synthesize it based on lived experience and emotion and personal connection. They're not thinking like that. They are predicting based on past information what the most likely response action or suggestion is going to be. For ADHD minds, this is really important to understand because AI is not intelligent in the way that we are. It is a pattern recognition machine. It can assist but not replace our creative thinking. If you ask it to replace your creative thinking, if you ask it to write stuff for you, it's going to be at best a C student right now, right? It's not-
Nikki Kinzer:
Right, right.
Pete Wright:
... not really great at just doing things without you. But someone who has... Like me, who's aging and eyes are getting bad and need glasses, AI is my cognitive glasses in some respects, right?
Nikki Kinzer:
Well, and I just want to say, it will go overboard sometimes too. Because I'll look at the creative writing model and I'll ask it to... Because of GPS, our planning membership, I'll ask it to put this paragraph in like GPS terms. Like make it fun, creative with things that are about the road and signs and all of that. And it completely goes overboard, like every other word has something to do with some kind of mapping type of language-
Pete Wright:
Yeah. Right, right, right. Because-
Nikki Kinzer:
So it kind of goes over the top-
Pete Wright:
Yeah. Contextually, it sees GPS as a navigation concept and dives deep into it-
Nikki Kinzer:
Right into it. Yeah.
Pete Wright:
Right? Right into it-
Nikki Kinzer:
I mean, some of it is-
Pete Wright:
Nikki Kinzer:
... cute and fun but not every other word. Yeah.
Pete Wright:
Right. Right, right, right. And I think you're getting to it because the AI has no intent. It has no self-awareness. It has no creativity in and of itself. It just mimics intelligence by predicting patterns based on the patterns it's been exposed to before. So we have to think of AI as a well-trained assistant, right?
It learns from billions of examples that have been forced down its AI throat. It predicts what you probably mean when you ask it something and probably is in bold italics in that sentence, because it doesn't really know what you mean. It knows what it thinks you mean. It doesn't understand the way you and I do. It just uses statistical guesses to generate responses, right?
Different AI providers train their models on different types of data. Some models are great for text, like ChatGPT and Claude. We talk about those all the time. Others for images like Mid-Journey or Dali. Some for task automation and scheduling like We're going to talk about that in a minute. Hang on.
Because not all models are created equal, we have to take the time to learn a little bit about which models work for which tasks. That's one of the reasons that I like Poe. Because Poe is a bucket of models, it allows you to experiment with the text generation models and some of the what they call multimodal models where you can generate images inside of Poe.
It allows you to experiment to see, "Will this model serve my needs better than that model?", and test it out. They're all very different. Here's the next piece that's really going to bake your noodle. They change all the time. You could be using Claude confidently to help you write your marketing copy. And one day, Claude just starts to suck because they continue to train it and its model just chokes. And you have to move to ChatGPT or one of the other models. Each of the providers. Anthropic is the provider of Claude. They have multiple different versions of Claude that all do different things.
Nikki Kinzer:
Right. I've noticed that. Mm-hmm.
Pete Wright:
Right. So AI can be confidently wrong. Sometimes, it leans heavily into GPS. Sometimes if it doesn't know an answer, it just predicts what might seem right and that's when you get, "Hey, if the mozzarella is sliding off of your cooked pizza, maybe try adding a little glue." That happened-
Nikki Kinzer:
Right. That's...
Pete Wright:
That's real. That was now a year ago when that happened. I don't think we could get the model to suggest glue on a pizza, but it's important to recognize that it makes confident mistakes. And how you use AI... This is why attorneys are put before the bar for using AI and not fact checking case law because it makes up case law that fits the circumstance. So how you use AI is really important.
Nikki Kinzer:
Okay. So I just want to clarify and review what you're saying here.
Pete Wright:
Yeah. Please.
Nikki Kinzer:
You are saying that just because you ask it a question and it comes up with an answer, that's not your resource. Like we can't just depend that that's going to be real information. So when you're doing research on something, AI is not your resource. You need to actually dig deeper and find other actual papers that have been written, articles that have been written, real people who have said, "This is the truth," or, "This is what we have found."
Pete Wright:
All of that. Yes. Let me do a sidebar and introduce Perplexity AI. Perplexity is its own separate company that has... They have developed a combination of models. When you use Perplexity AI... And I should say, I think Perplexity was the first model to do this, but some other models are starting to do this. When you use Perplexity AI, you ask it a research question. It goes out and it does the research for you and it searches the web. So it uses its AI model, but it also gives you the links-
Nikki Kinzer:
The link. Okay-
Pete Wright:
So you can see-
Nikki Kinzer:
Then, you can go into the link. Okay.
Pete Wright:
You build a report of all of this research and it synthesizes it just like you'd expect AI to do. And then, you can click the links to verify all the sources-
Nikki Kinzer:
That's helpful.
Pete Wright:
... or sources that you would trust, that you would value, that you would feel comfortable suggesting to others. It is incredibly cool. Often, I'll take results from Perplexity and drop them into ChatGPT and say, "Do a fact check on this." And it'll come back and say, "Hey, this is right," because the new models of ChatGPT also now have started poking at the web. They're just more expensive to use so-
Nikki Kinzer:
What's it called again? Perf-
Pete Wright:
Perplexity AI and links, obviously, in the show notes. Okay. So just to wrap up this conversation on models, it is a really fast but imperfect assistant. It's so good for brainstorming, for summarizing from learning from the data that you give it. But it's not always reliable when you... And it should not be trusted as a search engine. If you search something on Google, the top section is now an AI response-
Nikki Kinzer:
It's always AI, yes.
Pete Wright:
Verify that, right? Because it could just be wrong and it's frustrating because Google is such a source of... Or was used to be a source of trust. Very frustrating. Anyhow, the best AI tools for ADHD don't just spit out answers. They help you structure your thinking and connect ideas in ways that reduce overwhelm. And when a company says, "We use a proprietary AI model," it really just means they've licensed other models and they've trained it for their purposes. And some are great and some are junk, okay?
Nikki Kinzer:
Pete Wright:
AI tools that I find work like my ADHD brain and I am not... I'll say for a lot of these tools, I'm talking about these tools. I don't use them day-to-day, but I'm fascinated by what they offer. One area of these tools I'm deeply interested in and will land on one, but I have not chosen yet. So stay with me.
Nikki Kinzer:
Oh, no. Are we switching task managers?
Pete Wright:
We're absolutely not. We're not. I promise. I promise. I promise.
Nikki Kinzer:
We just did that a year ago. Less than a year ago.
Pete Wright:
No, we're absolutely not. I can promise you, that is not where I will land. And what I am going to do in whatever I'm talking about will not impact you, unless you just become a fan and decide to do it yourself. It's not going to-
Nikki Kinzer:
Pete Wright:
... [inaudible 00:21:57] to something new and weird. So for task management, there are a number of tool-
Nikki Kinzer:
That we are not switching, I just want to say.
Pete Wright:
Well, we use Todoist as a team and Todoist is great because you can... Todoist does have AI built into it. Todoist allows you to do some really great things. First of all, you can say, "Hey, I want you to... Here's a task that I have. I need you to create a project and break it down into its subtasks and then I'll review and make sure that they make sense for me."
Nikki Kinzer:
That they work. Yeah.
Pete Wright:
And that works very, very well, I think. In my experience, that is a great thing. It's built right into Todoist, it's exactly what I need it to do, and it doesn't bloat the process. The other thing that Todoist does, which I think is straight up magical, is its filter language. Have you tried to set up a custom filter?
Nikki Kinzer:
Yes, yes.
Pete Wright:
It can be a little opaque, right?
Nikki Kinzer:
Pete Wright:
It's a little tricky to get that down for people who don't live in that syntax. It has a new filter AI where it just says, "Hey, tell us what tasks you want to see and how you want to see them in plain language. And we'll create a filter using our syntax that will work for you." And that is fantastic because you don't have to remember all the brackets and parentheses and ampersands and quotes-
Nikki Kinzer:
Saves you time.
Pete Wright:
... you just tell it, "Hey, show me all the tasks that are assigned to me that have a deadline set in the next two weeks. That's it. That's all I want to see," and it'll do it. Their filter AI is fantastic, so I'm happy with Todoist. If you have a team and you are interested in AI, ClickUp and Asana both have AI built into them now and it is very friendly for more complex project scheduling. Those are great tools, ClickUp and Asana. Both, I think, do work for individuals. ClickUp probably better than Asana. But really, they're designed for teams that work together-
Nikki Kinzer:
Yes, Asana especially. I'm not familiar with ClickUp, but I know... I've used Asana and that's definitely more team-oriented, I think.
Pete Wright:
ClickUp, Asana,, they're all designed for small to large teams but really for the collaboration part. Motion, Akiflow, Sunsama. Now, we've talked about Sunsama before, right?
Nikki Kinzer:
We have-
Pete Wright:
People have used-
Nikki Kinzer:
... and I've heard of Motion.
Pete Wright:
Yeah. And same thing with another tool we'll talk about in a minute, Reclaim. Reclaim is from Dropbox. So what these tools do, they've trained their AI models to... You'll sign in. It's a product you have to pay for, but they allow you to sign in to your other tools like your Google Calendar and it applies its AI on top of your existing calendar.
So you can say, "Hey, I'm trying to write a book. I know my best writing time is at 4:00 in the afternoons Pacific time. But I'm really struggling with protecting that time. I need you to go forth and find me the best slots to work," and it'll go ahead and build out your writing calendar to actually get the job done. And it will protect the time for you, so you don't have to think about it, right? You don't have to go manually block out all those calendars.
Nikki Kinzer:
[inaudible 00:25:04]. Yeah.
Pete Wright:
It's great for meeting scheduling. It can say, "Hey, I need to find time for a half hour meeting. And I need you to send the invite and I need you to do all that work." That is an incredibly useful function of AI, of these AI services. It's not actually trying to be creative on your behalf. It's not trying to rewrite the great works of American literature and put your name on them. It's just trying to help you schedule your day. It's helping you schedule your tasks by priority and how late they are. It's trying to help you think through the work of your day.
So all of these tools are incredibly useful for figuring out how to structure your day in the calendar interface, right? Poe is just a text bot, right? You can't say, "Schedule my day. Here's what I have to do." You'd have to type a lot to get it to give you essentially a bulleted list or a table, but that's not useful because it's not in the calendar. That's where I'm working. I need these tools built into my work box first. So that's why I suggest looking at some of these tools.
Now, Google, Gemini is Google's model and Gemini is in everything now. And I think it's worth noting or keeping an eye on the functions that are built right into Google Calendar as a result of Gemini and more and more of these features are coming. I'm not going to deep dive into specifically what they do, but using... It makes using the native Google Calendar website more interesting if you're all in on Gemini and their AI plans. So yeah, interestingly, you can also access all the Gemini models in Poe. But you can see how these models do different things. They generate text in Poe. They operate on your calendar in Google Calendar. It's sort of magical the way some of these things work.
So idea capture and writing, so the brain dump process Talked a lot about ChatGPT. And you can, on... If you're a paid subscriber of ChatGPT, you can upload your documents and essentially train your own model in a project. You can do the same thing with Claude by Anthropic if you're a paid member of those services. I have been using... Because we're a Google shop, I've been using Google Notebook LM, which is the same thing. You take your documents, dump them into this notebook, and then you can essentially interview it.
You're interviewing. You're training a model based on your data, right? Your data, which is so cool. The first thing I did with this was I actually... I created a D&D bot, because you know, I've told you, we have a long-running D&D campaign where no one's ever died permanently. And so, we have this legacy of... And I record every session, so I have transcripts of every session. And I drop these transcripts and gain summaries in Google Notebook LM and then I can interview it when our memory fails.
So I'm sitting there on my iPad in a game session and somebody says, "Hey, when did we actually destroy our bag of holding by putting a bastard sword in it?" I can search for those things and it'll say, "Hey, it turns out this character was the idiot who actually put a bastard sword in the bag of holding and tore it to pieces." Those kinds of things are very useful.
Now, I'm using the D&D example. But you take your work projects and dump them into your Google Notebook LM, and suddenly you're creating a knowledge base for yourself, and I find that incredibly valuable. Incredibly, incredibly valuable. That is... Again, I'm not creating something with AI from scratch. I'm interrogating my own stuff with these AI tools. I'm interrogating my own stuff with these AI tools. Oof, can't say that enough. That's the focus.
Notion and Coda are... We use Coda, which is, which is a web service that allows us to keep all of our show databases up-to-date. All the show notes, all the links, everything lives in Coda. Notion is a similar personal knowledge management tool. These tools both have AI built into them. They allow you to convert your notes into organized knowledge bases. That's it. Very, very straightforward.
I love Coda because everything is sort of table-based. And I like being able to use AI to manipulate tables, to concatenate terms, to run calculations, or summations in a way that is just vastly easier on very, very large tables than it was in Excel. It's actually improving those sorts of things. I should say, Microsoft's Copilot is another model and they are built into all of the Microsoft apps now. So if you're a Microsoft user, you could do very similar things in Excel that allow you to manipulate data in completely new ways using AI. But again, manipulating your data, not generating new data.
Nikki Kinzer:
Pete Wright:
Notion, Coda, Reclaim, Clockwise is another one. Clockwise is a tool that dynamically schedules meetings, and focus time. Very, very useful., we've actually talked about on the show in the past long time ago. is an AI-generated music tool designed to stimulate focus for ADHD minds, right? So the whole idea is... It's not binaural beats. We've talked about that too. We actually had the founder of one of these other tools on the show. This is one that just allows you to say, "Hey, I'm going into deep focus mode," and it uses AI plus these other waves integrated with real music. And it supposedly triggers something in your brain that allows you to think more clearly and more deeply. Your mileage may vary. I've talked to people who say, "This just doesn't work for me." I've talked to people who say, "I can't work without it." I don't know. I mean, you go to their website, it says, "Oh, the science is settled." I don't think the science is really settled. It feels like people are not quite ready to say... Or else, we'd all be using it all the time.
Nikki Kinzer:
Pete Wright:
All right.
Nikki Kinzer:
This is great.
Pete Wright:
Well, look, you just-
Nikki Kinzer:
Great job, Pete Wright-
Pete Wright:
You just shut me down. That was a great idea. Just... Pete, you wind him up. You got to know when to put your hand on the table and say, "Pete, time to shut it down-"
Nikki Kinzer:
Stop. Yeah.
Pete Wright:
All right. So we're going to shut it down right now, but check the show notes. I'll have the links to the ClickUp and Asana... All of the stuff I've already mentioned. Next time, we're going to talk about the infinite rabbit hole effect that goes into the problems of AI and some of the concerns that the rationalist groups have with AI, the ethics of AI. We're going to talk about how to use AI without losing yourself and give you some of my personal tech stack for all the tools I use that are AI or AI-adjacent.
Nikki Kinzer:
Well, and I can share too some of the ways that my clients have used it-
Pete Wright:
Nikki Kinzer:
... in simple ways. Just to give people ideas and some thoughts around it.
Pete Wright:
I love this. That's next week.
Nikki Kinzer:
Great. Thank you, Pete-
Pete Wright:
That's what we're going to do next week. Thank you, Nikki. Thank you, everybody, for downloading and listening to this show. We appreciate your time and your attention. Don't forget. From the sounds of it, I think this might just be worth a chat in our Discord server. You can jump into the show talk channel there. If the deluxe level or better, just head over to to dive in and get access to all those goodies. Thank you for your support. On behalf of Nikki Kinzer, I'm Pete Wright and we'll see you right back here next week on Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast.