2407: How PACT Goals Work for Your ADHD
Never heard of PACT goals? You’re in for it today! We’re talking about a goal-setting metaphor with greater attention on outcomes than process and we think it has real legs when it comes to ADHD.

415: Creating Realistic Goals
Today on the show we’re talking all about building realistic goals into your life. After a quick review of SMART goals, we’re diving deep into what it means to approach attainable behavior change that sticks!

235: Making Time to Work on Your Vision
Over the last few weeks, we’ve been talking about motivation and building your vision for your future self. But we’re busy — some of us VERY busy — and when challenged with our ADHD, it can seem impossible to schedule the time and intention to actually implement the change we want to see in our lives. This week on the show, we have some tips and suggestions to help you do just that!

233: Creating a Vision for Yourself
This week on the show, Nikki and Pete talk about creating a vision for yourself, sculpting your loose goals into refined projects that you’re excited to make a reality. The race to January 1 begins — get ready to celebrate the change in your life!

203: Follow Through and Finish What You Start!
This week, we help identify the potential cause of your follow through problem, and give you four solutions to move you through the mire and find the light of accomplishment!

189: Seeking Clarity
This year, we’re making our January one of reflection. This week on the show, we share our strategy for building reflective and concrete structures around our new year, and how we’re turning our resolutions into plans that will support us all year long. Join us!