Fidgets, Function, and ADHD Community with Kody Lukens
We're talking with entrepreneur Kody Lukens about his own diagnosis, search for community, and driving passion behind his effort to create tools for the neurodivergent brain.

2405: What’s in Between All and Nothing?
You can't do what you want to do. You never finish what you start. You aren't able to focus. Sure, we say this stuff to ourselves when our ADHD is getting the best of us. But how often is that really true? This week on the show, we example what lives between all and nothing and try to tackle the beast that is all-or-nothing thinking.

2318: Navigating Your ADHD with An ADHD Coach
We started with meds. Last week, we followed up with therapy. This week, we’re wrapping up our trio of treatment episodes with a conversation on ADHD coaching, and how the coaching process can help you integrate your life with your ADHD.

2317: The ADHD Therapy Experience with Dr. Sharon Saline
Sharon Saline returns to talk about the ADHD therapy experience — what to expect, what to look for, and what to watch out for as you seek support for your ADHD!

2316: Myths & ADHD Medication with Dr. William Dodson
What do you know about your ADHD medications? We didn’t know much, so we brought in the expert, Dr. William Dodson, a Board-Certified adult psychiatrist and one of the first clinicians who specialized in adults with ADHD decades ago.

2313: Intervention Fatigue in The Complex: Navigating the New ADHD Diagnosis with James & Jules Ochoa
James and Jules Ochoa are back to teach us how to navigating a brand new ADHD diagnosis without crashing into the wall of overwhelm. Plus, they bring a sneak preview of the new season of their own ADHD podcast, ‘The Complex’!

Listener Stories: Where were you when you found out you had ADHD?
Like any good superhero, we all have our origin stories. Unlike those same superheroes, we sometimes struggle to save the day if we’re distracted by shiny door knobs. Stories of those shiny door knobs today.

2309: Turn Around Negative ADHD Self-Talk
You know that little voice — your negative ADHD self-talk voice. When your ADHD is on lock, that voice can be destructive. This week: how do you manage that little voice when ADHD is having a very good day?

2308: Returning to a Post-Pandemic World
Rebuilding our habits and behaviors after the pandemic is going to require some new skills. How we celebrate what we've become in the last year might be important in defining who we are in years to come.

2223: Navigating Anxiety, Rejection & Friendship with ADHD
Friendships are already hard with ADHD. What happens when you're also living with social anxiety and rejection sensitivity? That's this week on The ADHD Podcast.

2222: Find Friends and Flourish with ADHD with Melissa Orlov
Is it common to struggle to develop friendships with ADHD? Let's just say, if you're struggling yourself, you're in good company. Struggles to manage time for friendships, develop close, meaningful ties, are made all the more difficult thanks to the bouquet of ADHD factors. Relationship expert Melissa Orlov returns to help us all to find friends and flourish!

2218: The Trance of Scarcity with Victoria Castle
Author Victoria Castle joins us this week to talk about her book, ‘The Trance of Scarcity’, and how living with ADHD is living with a natural position of less-than. How do we move from scarcity to abundance? This week we create that map!

2205: Acceptance and the Paradox of Change with Dr. Dodge Rea
You might have heard of the stages of denial. But have you heard of the stages of acceptance? Dr. Dodge is back with us this week to share the similarities and differences between the two models and illuminate just how powerful it can be when discussing our relationship to ADHD.

460: The 2020 Memory Lane with Pete & Nikki
This week, we’re taking a bit of time to reflect. No, 2020 hasn’t been the best year in recent memory. But does that mean we didn’t learn, grow, and change? Of course we did! Today, we talk about it.

457: Parenting, Anxiety, and COVID at Home with Dr. Sharon Saline
As we move into the winter months, the wake of the pandemic always just ahead of us, Dr. Sharon Saline is here to talk about ADHD Parenting under stress, particularly when COVID comes home.

455: Taking Care of YOU is Taking Care of Your ADHD
We’re back from The 2020 Virtual International Conference on ADHD and this year, the big message of the conference was about taking care of your bod, so we’ve got some takeaways that you can use to get inspired to get moving and not feeling overwhelmed in the process!

454: At the Corner of ADHD Avenue and Panic Street
We’re on the edge around these parts, pressured by the environment, the overwhelming weight of politics in the US, and all the associated symptoms that come with it. What happens when your ADHD symptoms run into your healthcare requirements and spark panic? That’s this week on The ADHD Podcast with a personal story from Pete.

452: Inattentive ADHD Misdiagnosis with Dr. Michelle Frank
Dr. Michelle Frank is a clinical psychologist specializing in providing diagnostic and treatment services to individuals with ADHD. She joins us today to talk about inattentive ADHD and the struggles that come along by way of misdiagnosis.

436: Comparison, Guilt, and Shame with Dr. Michelle Frank
Last time Dr. Michelle Frank was here, she helped us work through shame and how it impacts relationships. As it turns out, there's more guilt, shame, and relativism in ADHD than we thought.

435: Leaning In To NOT Planning!
We've been talking a lot about planning on the show and how to approach routines, breaking negative patterns, and so on over the last handful of weeks. We've heard the struggles and believe it when we tell you: We're struggling too!