10 ADHD Strategies To Prepare For Finals

It’s time to wrap up Spring Semester! 

Students around the world are doing online learning right now and for many High School and College students that means finals are just around the corner! In our show with Marcy Caldwell, we talked a little bit about online learning, we know it hasn’t been an easy transition. 

To help the students and parents who are close to finals week, here are a few tips to keep in mind when studying! 

  1. Pay attention to self-care. When you are taking care of yourself, you are taking care of your ADHD. Continue your exercise, eat well, and no all-nighters, get your sleep.

  2. Take your medication. If you happen to be one who sometimes forgets to take it, make sure to put it out where you can see it.

  3. Study everyday in the last 2 weeks prior to exams. This will help eliminate procrastination and avoid the all-nighters. 

  4. Set specific goals for each study session. Having a goal in mind will help you stay on track, plus it allows you to see where you need to adjust your plan. 

  5. Schedule breaks during your study sessions. I think the Pomodoro Method is a very effective way to study. Click here to learn more about the Pomodoro method. 

  6. Studying with other students, right now during the COVID-19 crisis, has to be video online, but that’s ok and it still works. ADHDer’s are verbal processors and it really helps to talk to another student about what you are learning. 

  7. Reach out to your professors. Check to see what accommodations apply to your finals, and double check to make sure you’re studying the right information and clear up any confusion. 

  8. Many ADHER’s are visual learners, rewrite your notes in a mindmap or a timeline. (Timelines are great for history classes). Rewrite your notes to answer questions on a study guide or use flashcards to help memorize information. 

  9. Pretend to teach the class. Many students make the mistake of only reviewing notes, slides, and the textbook. Reading is good but it’s not enough. You have to think about what you’ve learned and one of the best ways to do that is to teach it to someone else or something else. Teach your family pet or to a few stuffed animals or to an invisible class, be creative. The point is to use your own words and explanations.

  10. Record the lecture you just gave to your fake audience. When you listen back, you are listening to your own voice, just one more way to retain the information you are learning! 

Wishing you a great finals week!

If you’re looking for even more strategies, check out this link from Shorelight. While the article doesn’t specifically mention ADHD, the techniques and tips they provide are solid:

21 Best Study Tips for Final Exams

Thank you for your time and attention. 



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