Tackling the New Day With ADHD

Taking back some kind of control!

In our show, Leaning into Not Planning, Pete talked about documenting our experiences during the pandemic.

He suggests we use this practice as an opportunity for self-development asking the following questions:

  • How are your days shaping up?

  • Have you consciously tried anything new today that you didn’t do yesterday?

  • How are your routines? 

  • How is your diet? 

  • What productivity tools are you using? 

He says… “Documenting lessons learned during the pandemic and how you change your behaviors and self-management processes will help you to define what you can keep and what you can discard when our lives change again, when the economy re-opens, and so on. What are you learning from the pandemic about your communication with others? With customers?” 

We journal today to be more resilient tomorrow.  - Pete Wright 

Here are a few more questions to ask yourself while focusing on what you can control:

  • What changed today?

  • What will tomorrow look like?

  • What would I like to be doing in a month?

  • What would I like to be doing in two years? 

Good luck, take time to take care of yourself. 

Thank you for your time and attention. 



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