3 Reasons Your Organizing Efforts Are NOT Working!

We tackle our projects with the best intentions!

We know what we want and how to do it, however what we want and what we get is not always the same thing. Which is frustrating and you may think… “Why even bother?”

Because, it’s important to you. It’s not easy and it can get really uncomfortable but getting organized just enough can go a long way!

In my experience as a coach, I’ve seen several reasons why an organizing system may or may not work in a home.

Here are three of the most commons reasons that your efforts are not giving you the results you desire:

1) React Instead of Plan

It’s not uncommon to decide to work on an organizing project after you’ve experienced some kind of crisis.

  • You can’t find what you need and decide to buy it again even though you know it’s in the home.

  • You can’t find your keys and now you’re late again.

  • You missed another appointment or a family get together.

  • You have company coming over - TODAY!

It’s really any situation where you feel the heavy consequences of not being organized.

So, what happens?

You react and begin moving things around without any plan or clear intention of what you are doing. Maybe you filled a bag or two with donation items, which is great but then the phone rings and your attention is now somewhere else.

Can you guess what happens next?

The organizing you started never gets completed and you end up back where you started.


Plan ahead! Whenever you do anything in crisis mode, you will not be thinking clearly.

Choose to organize a space before crisis hits.

You can use your past experience to decide where to start first. What bothers you the most about your space? If you lose your keys all the time - start here.

You will find more success in your efforts if you take time to plan. Because even if you get off track, which you will, you have ADHD, you have something to review to get back on track.

Be intentional of when you’re working on your space. Choose a few minutes a day or an hour over the weekend and continue to schedule your organizing sessions until the space is complete.

2) Striving For Perfection

The definition of organization is finding what you need, when you need it. It has nothing to do with bins and labels.

If you’re idea of getting organized is to have your home look like something you would see in an organizing magazine, you are not setting yourself up for success.

We live in our homes, they will get messy.


Stop the comparisons. This is your home and you get decide what works for you.

The key is having it to be organized enough, so most of the time you can find what you need, when you need it.

Does this mean you can piles? Sure, especially if you know what’s in them.

Does this mean I can have appliances on the counter? Of course.

We all have a “Clutter Toleration Level” and when you hit yours, you’ll know it’s time to pick up.

3) Taking it on Yourself

Organizing with ADHD is hard and it’s complicated. This is not a skill that ADDer’s were born with, however it is possible, if you find the systems that work for you but finding those systems by yourself can be challenging.


If you don’t live by yourself, talk to your family or roommates. Have a meeting talk about what needs to get done, who’s willing to do what, and how you plan on keeping the space maintained. The more invested they are, the better.

Find an accountability partner or body double to help you. Accountability partners can check in with you, ask about your progress, and you can share with them your goals for the next week.

A body double is someone who is in the room with you while you are working. They can help you or just be present doing something else. It’s their presence that keeps you focused.

Lastly, I encourage you to check out my Online Course: Organizing Your Space Your Way. Not only does it give you a plan and set realistic expectations for your space but it also adds the extra support so you don’t feel like your doing this by yourself.

Thank you for your time and attention.

Take care,



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