Connecting with Your Kids

Use texting to connect with your teenager.

Send a funny text or a short video to your kids as a way to stay connected with them.

This was a suggestion from Dr. Norrine Russell on a recent episode of Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast.

It can be difficult to find ways to connect with your teenager as they are learning to find their independence.

Here are a few other ways to connect with your teenager:

  • Use Praise

    It can feel like you’re always yelling. Instead, find times to praise your child for the things they do. Be sure to highlight specific actions that you are proud of to let them know that you notice.

  • Listen

    Take time to listen to your child. Just sit and listen. Be sure to engage with positive body language to enforce the fact that you’re listening to them and are really hearing them.

  • Ask for input

    As your teen is growing up, they’re finding their own voice. Help them use that voice by asking their input on things like family rules, vacation, etc.

Raising kids can be challenging. But there are little things you can do to build better connections today that will outlast the difficult years.

Thank you for your time and attention,



Be Your Own Best Friend


What Your Kid Wants You to Know About ADHD