Be Your Own Best Friend

I’m not good enough.”

I always screw up.”

I’ll never be as good as them.”

Sound familiar?

It’s common for ADHDers to be overly hard on themselves; finding faults and beating yourself up about shortcomings.

ADHD can be difficult enough without being hard on yourself.

It’s all about compassion

It’s important to embrace self-compassion in your daily life.

For many of you, you have spent most of your life being overly hard on yourself. It can seem impossible to find any amount of self-compassion.

Just like any other habit you’re looking to break, it takes time, practice, and intention to change a way of thinking that’s become second nature over the years.

Getting Started

The hardest part of ADHD can be getting started. Where do you begin? 

Below are a few simple ideas to help get you on track to finding a bit more compassion and acceptance for yourself.

  • Learn to notice negative self-talk

    Sometimes negative self-talk is so second nature you don’t even realize it’s happening. Take time to really listen to your inner monologue and see if you can pick out the times you speak negatively about yourself.

  • Flip the script

    Once you’ve identified the negative self-talk, think of ways you can change the language so you’re no longer speaking negatively about yourself.

  • Become your own best friend

    Most of the time, you probably speak better to your friends than you ever do to yourself. Try to see yourself as you would a friend. How would you talk to yourself then?

  • Forgive yourself

    No one is perfect. We all make mistakes. Take time to forgive yourself for a misstep and move on from it.

No matter where you are in life, there is always time to learn to have compassion for yourself.

Take a moment and think about how you can be more accepting of yourself today.

Thank you for your time and attention,



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