Featured Series: Unique ADHD Strategies that Work - At least most of the time! Part 1

It can be difficult to find strategies that work.

You may even wish they would at least work some of the time!

We’ve got you covered! 

Pete and I spent some time collecting unique ADHD strategies from our community of listeners, and boy, did they deliver!

Here are a couple of tips we discuss on Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast about getting started and task management:

Getting Started:

Having a hard time deciding what to do first? 

  • Write down your tasks on slips of paper and put them in a jar, cup, or any container you have around. Randomly select your task and get started! Now you don’t have to choose between starting the dishes vs. cleaning off the dining room table.

Start small

  • Sometimes, even telling yourself “the laundry needs done” or “I should do the dishes” isn’t enough to motivate you. Instead, break it down even further. Say to yourself, “I can stand up” or something else just as simple. Don’t worry about what comes next, just stand up! Once you’ve broken the streak of not moving, the next step may not seem so hard.,

Task Management:

Put it on the board!

  • Use a dry-erase/chalk/poster board to write down tasks. Keep one nearby your workstation to quickly jot down ideas/thoughts as they pop up. Use different colored markers to clearly separate different categories.

  • Place your board in easy-to-access places where you know you’ll run into them. Try places like in-between rooms, the kitchen, bathroom, or front doorway. Be sure to place them at eye-level so you’re sure to see them any time you walk by.

Jot it in a journal

  • Many of our listeners love their bullet journals! A benefit of using a bullet journal vs. a traditional planner is you create each day from scratch. This means you never have to worry about the shame of looking at blank dates if you miss a day or, let’s be honest, a week or more. You can easily pick up where you left off and continue forward.

  • Another special perk of a bullet journal is the ability to be creative with the decorations of your journal. Using stickers and different colored pens can brighten up your journal and that creativity may just be the extra push of dopamine you need to get started on your next task!

These are just a few of the tips we discuss on the first episode of our series, Unique ADHD Strategies That Work - At least most of the time!

To hear more great tips, click here.

Thank you for your time and attention,



Featured Series: Unique ADHD Strategies that Work - At least most of the time! - Part 2


Featured Series: Living with ADHD - ADHD Stories From Our Listeners