What You Say Matters

Changing the words you use can greatly change the intention of what you say.

Recently on Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast, I shared some insights from the book “I Get To” by Alicia Dunams which explores the power of the words you use.

In the book, the author explores 40 different conversation starters that can radically change the way you observe and interact with your life and those around you.

Let’s look at the phrase from the title of the book: “I get to…”

Very often, we find ourselves using the phrase “I have to…” instead.

Let’s look at an example of how changing “I have to” into “I get to” transforms the way we look at a task.

I have to go to the gym today.

I get to go to the gym today.

Can you see the difference between each sentence?

In the first sentence, the speaker feels obligated to go to the gym. It seems like the act of going to the gym is a punishment.

In the second sentence, the speaker seems excited to go to the gym! They see the gym as a blessing or a gift that they get to experience.

It can be difficult to break the habit of saying these phrases, but as you can see, once you do, you have the power to change how you feel, and that can be huge!

What are the phrases in your day-to-day that could use a tune up?

To hear more sentence starters and to get my and Pete’s take, check out the podcast.

Thank you for your time and attention,



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