Don’t Give Up!

Do you ever have those days where it feels like you’re failing at everything; that nothing you do is right?

Of course. We all experience days like that.

Sometimes, it may feel like it'll never end. It's like that line from the famous song by The Rembrandts:

When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year...

You may even feel like it would be better to stop trying if you aren't going to find any success.

For those of you out there, today I want to take a moment to offer you some encouragement.

Inspiration from an inventor

In those moments where you feel like you have tried everything and nothing has worked, and maybe you’re starting to feel like there isn't a solution to your problem, try thinking of this quote from known inventor and problem-solver, Thomas Edison:

I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.

I don't think anyone would consider Thomas Edison a failure. In fact, during his lifetime he had over 1,000 patents with his name on them including the incandescent light bulb, the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and he helped improve how the telephone worked. That's a pretty impressive resumé!

But, these inventions certainly weren't achieved overnight. It took time, trial and error, and plenty of patience.

As you can see with this quote from Thomas Edison, he didn't let the idea of failure keep him from trying again. Instead, he learned from what didn't work and applied that new information into his next attempt. If that attempt didn't work, he would use that new knowledge to try a new way, and over and over until he got the result he wanted.

Can you imagine how different our lives would be without the great work of Thomas Edison? I think a lot of us would be left in the dark!

Now, I can guarantee you, if I tried something 10,000 times and it didn't work 10,000 times, I would probably be pretty upset and maybe feel like giving up many, many times along the way, so if you feel that way after experiencing a setback or trying something that didn't work, it's ok to acknowledge your feelings in the moment—it stinks!

But, the goal is not to let those feelings last forever, or they can keep you from trying again. And if you continue to try, who knows what you can achieve!

I believe you can do hard things.

Thank you for your time and attention,



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