New Parents with ADHD

Recently, on Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast, we discussed parenting.

And not just parenting, but being a new parent with ADHD.

We welcomed guest, Dr. Marcy Caldwell, back to the show and she had some great things to share about new parents.

One part I found very interesting was the connection between hormones and ADHD. According to Dr. Caldwell, the presence of hormones in women (specifically estrogen and progesterone) can play a big part in how an ADHD brain functions.

Another factor that can interrupt your brain function is a lack of sleep. Any new parent can attest to not getting enough sleep. In fact, Dr. Caldwell mentioned that even a neurotypical brain can experience ADHD-like symptoms after missing only 1 hour of sleep a night for a week. I can only imagine what that would mean for a new parent with ADHD!

All this to say, being a new parent—while it can bring a lot of joy—also brings a lot of new hardships. It’s important to be mindful of how your brain normally operates so you can be aware when things aren’t going so well so you can course correct.

In the end, while it’s easier said than done, if you aren’t taking care of yourself, it’s a lot harder to take care of a new child too.

Here are a few extra resources to help navigate your way:

Listen to what Dr. Marcy Caldwell had to share with us:

Ep 2422: New Parent ADHD Primer with Dr. Marcy Caldwell

Thank you for your time and attention,



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