Shame Doesn’t Discriminate

Have you ever seen someone on TV or maybe certain online influencers and wished you could be as happy and put together as they are?

I know I have.

It's hard not to want what these celebrities and influencers have—and I'm not talking about money or fame.

I'm talking about those people who just seem to ooze confidence. For instance, look at someone like Lady Gaga. She doesn't care if people think she looks silly or weird wearing a dress made completely out of meat! That girl will still strut her stuff on the red carpet and look amazing doing it.

Maybe you look up to someone who clearly knows who they are and what they stand for, and they're content with that knowledge and won't back down for anyone. Oprah Winfrey is a woman I look up to for that reason. She isn't afraid to speak her mind and stand up for what she believes in—no matter what.

Then, there are those people who seem to always have a smile on their face and never have a bad attitude. They move from here to there without a care in the world—it feels like life never stops smiling on those people. For me, that person is Jason Mraz. It just looks like he's living the good, carefree life. Wouldn't you love a little of that carefree life, too?

But, here's the thing—all the people I just mentioned, and all the people that came to mind for you when I asked the question at the beginning—they all experience the same things you and I do.

Fear. Doubt. Anxiety. Shame. Just to name a few.

No one is immune from these emotions—including these people that live in the spotlight day-to-day. In fact, they may go through these emotions more often since their life is constantly on display and being judged and criticized by everyone.

This a big part of why it's important not to compare yourself or your situation to someone else. With these celebrities, we only see what they want us to see, and a lot of times, the things we see are fake. They're made up to show the best version of themselves—even if it's not real. And it's really hard to try to live up to something that doesn't even exist.

Sooner or later, I believe everyone experiences feelings of shame and self-doubt, no matter how successful they may appear on the outside. But, don’t allow those feelings of shame to be fueled by trying to compare yourself to others.

Just know, you are not alone.

Thank you for your time and attention,



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