The Power of Starting Small
One of the reasons people get overwhelmed in projects is because they see it as a whole rather than breaking it up into pieces. It’s hard to know where to start and what to do. The same thing happens when building new habits. It's great to have a vision of where you ultimately want to be, but to expect to get there overnight is not very realistic. Trying to change too much at one time is self sabtoge. Read more about my thoughts around why starting small is so powerful and necessary for success.
How to Slow Down Your Fast Mind
Do you ever find your brain racing so fast, you just can’t get it to stop? It’s like riding a bicycle downhill, if you break too hard, you're sure to fall! Or maybe you feel like you’re being pulled in a million directions and trying to focus on just one thing feels impossible. These thoughts are very common with ADHD and I came up with a few suggestions on slowing the brain down, so you can at least feel back in control.
What To Do So You Don't Forget
One of the most frustrating symptoms of ADHD is poor working memory. It’s never your intention to forget, it just happens. In working with the way your brain is wired, it’s really important to set up structures and ways for you to be reminded about what matters the most to you. Here are a few ideas on how to capture your thoughts when they come at inconvenient times so you remember!
Does Perfectionism Sabotage Your ADHD Self-Care?
Do you have one bad day and then throw in the towel? Perfectionism and the all or nothing mindset can become a huge roadblock to taking good care of yourself. Here are some thoughts on how not to let this get in your way of achieving your goals to living a healthy life!
What if You Don't Have a Vision?
I've been talking a lot lately about having a vision but what if you don't know what your vision is? This question came from a Podcast listener. I know from experience if one person has this question there are many more that do as well. Here is how I replied...