From a Teachers Perspective: The ADHD Student
With the focus being on Back to School, I thought it would be helpful to hear from a Teacher's perspective on different ideas and strategies to help your child with ADHD succeed at school.

10 Tips To Fit Exercise into Your Schedule!
"I don't have time to exercise". Is this a familiar statement? Believe me, I understand. Here are 10 tips to fit exercise into your daily routine.

The ADHD College Student: Getting Your Schedule Right!
Getting your schedule to work for you is a major component in succeeding in college. Here are a few ideas to keep in mind the next time you register!

Don't Forget to Pay Your Bills!
Even with the best intentions, we may forget to pay attention to our finances! Here are a couple of strategies to help you remember!

Setting Up an ADHD-Friendly Meal Plan!
One of the simplest changes you can make when saving money is to eat at home rather than eating out! Here are the steps I take when I meal plan for the week. It's healthier for my family and for my wallet!