Going From To-Do to Done
If there were only more hours in the day, I could get more done! I’ve said this many times, but the reality is we are all given the same amount of time. We have to do what we can with what we have! I have learned when working from home that it’s how we use our time that makes a difference on how productive we are in the day. With ADHD, you have to be careful because the day can go by so fast and before you know it, your prime hours of getting anything done are gone! In this week's post, I suggest three productivity tips for ADHD and how to go from to-do to done!

The Power of Starting Small
One of the reasons people get overwhelmed in projects is because they see it as a whole rather than breaking it up into pieces. It’s hard to know where to start and what to do. The same thing happens when building new habits. It's great to have a vision of where you ultimately want to be, but to expect to get there overnight is not very realistic. Trying to change too much at one time is self sabtoge. Read more about my thoughts around why starting small is so powerful and necessary for success.

Three Smart Ways to Study With ADHD
I can think of a million other things I would rather do than read a text book! However, if you are going back to school this fall, this is your reality and you have to figure out a way to make the best of it. I can tell you, procrastination is not a strategy that usually works, neither is fooling yourself that you will be able to sit in one place for hours to get it done. I've put together three smart ways to study with ADHD in my latest blog post to help ease the process for you!

Back-to-School Survival Tips
Getting ready for back-to-school leaves me feeling a little anxious. Did we get everything we need? Do they have enough supplies and what about clothes? How are the mornings going to go? How are we going to plan for dinner with so many outside activities going on? There are so many questions. In today’s post, my hope is to ease some of those anxieties so you can begin this new school year, relaxed and in control!

What's Stopping Your New Routine From Becoming A Habit?
It feels great to be motivated and excited about a new routine. You know this routine is going to add just the right amount of structure you need to accomplish your goal. Then a couple of weeks pass by and the routine has stopped. Most people will blame themselves or assume the routine is wrong in some way. Have you ever wondered what’s stopping your new routine from becoming a habit? This week I help you figure out why and even give you a challenge!