The ADHD Student: Getting to Class on Time!
Running late? Again and again. Here are four strategies on getting you to class on TIME!
Evaluating ADHD Study Strategies
Practicing something new requires attention and planning and review. In this post, learn how to evaluate your study strategies so you know what to return to when you need it most.
The ADHD Student: Self-Care
One of the best ways to take care of your ADHD is taking care of yourself! Here are a few ideas in making yourself a priority!
Create The Right Study Space
Finding where you study best is a great idea but it’s also ok to change it up from time to time. Here are a few ideas to keep in mind when looking for the right place to study.
Solutions to Common ADHD Communication Challenges
Do you talk too fast or maybe get bored in a conversation? Communicating with ADHD can be a struggle, here are a few solutions to some of the more common issues.