234: Getting Started — Motivation & ADHD
Today, a metaphor. You’re at the top of a hill. There’s a giant ball in front of you, held up by a rock. If you kick that rock, the ball will start rolling down the hill, picking up speed and racing on its way. But you’re struggling with your ADHD. So you look at the ball, you stare at it, and try as you might, you just don’t see the rock that you need to kick.

233: Creating a Vision for Yourself
This week on the show, Nikki and Pete talk about creating a vision for yourself, sculpting your loose goals into refined projects that you’re excited to make a reality. The race to January 1 begins — get ready to celebrate the change in your life!

227: Conquer Overwhelm in 5 Steps
This week on the show, we’re talking all about overwhelm, and offer five solutions to help you regain focus, rediscover your calm, and get back to living.

221: Tech Tools for Smart Money Management
On this month’s digital episode, Pete and Nikki walk through some of the tools and processes that help to simplify and streamline personal money management.

217: Strategies to Deal with Impulsive Buying
This week on the show, we talk about impulse buying that comes to many struggling with ADHD. We’ve got three strategies for regaining control over the spending bug, and considerations for making sure you don’t get bit down the road!

205: Shopping Online and Staying Focused!
This week on the show, we have five tips for managing your time and attention while shopping online — save money while relieving stress and getting things done!

203: Follow Through and Finish What You Start!
This week, we help identify the potential cause of your follow through problem, and give you four solutions to move you through the mire and find the light of accomplishment!

202: Overwhelm and Prioritizing Tolerations
This week on the show, we offer strategies for dealing with the stress of over-commitment that brings liberation and hope, too!

201: ADHD and Creating a Lifestyle to Crush your Tolerations!
It’s been nearly 100 episodes since we last talked tolerations, and we have (ahem) a lot to report. This week, we’re taking a step back to look at the impact of ADHD noise on our tolerations. We look at the positive emotional and creative impacts of building a lifestyle in which we acknowledge, cultivate, and complete our tolerations.

199: Vulnerability, Uncertainty, & Confusion as a Doorway to Learning
This week on the show, Pete Wright and Nikki Kinzer talk about the vulnerability required to make that leap forward in your life, and how important it is to reframe confusion as a positive, a doorway to learning.

198: Conquering Shame & Cultivating Vulnerability in Parenting for ADHD
This week on the show, Nikki and Pete share tools and techniques for parenting children learning to live with their ADHD, with a focus on validation, support, and love.

197: Vulnerability & Shame: Reflecting on the work of Brené Brown
This week on the show, we talk about Brené Brown’s pioneering research and inspirational presentations on shame and vulnerability, and how reframing our approach to shame can lead to a powerful awakening of strength and confidence.

194: Facing Down your Negative Situations
On the heels of Nikki’s imploding computer comes a conversation about facing up to — and then facing down — those negative situations that crop up in our lives. From finding the awareness to accept the reality of the situation to mustering the confidence to let it go when it’s time to move on, we share tips and strategies for finding meaningful support in our lives when we need it.

193: Breaking blocks, fighting fear, and getting unstuck!
You can train yourself to fight the friction, dissolve the stickiness, and get yourself moving forward again. This week on the show, Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright share techniques for doing just that, and feeling even stronger as a result.

187: Smart Spending this Holiday Season
This week on the show, Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright share tips and strategies for managing finances without hitting the bottom line so hard!

184: I hear you and I see you!
Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright share three sentences that have inspired them in the way they talk to their own families. And sometimes, listening to others get inspired is an inspiring enough journey all by itself.

180: Would, Have, and Should
This week on the show, Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright talk about the power of three very important words, and how we can use those words to build confidence and motivation toward meeting our goals.