Failure to Launch

When ADHD and transitions don't play well together

Like it or not, life is always changing. From the changing of the seasons, to children moving on from one grade to the next, or even changing your laundry detergent—life is full of transitions.

 Change can be difficult for people with ADHD.

Planning, organizing, working memory, and self-regulation, are all part of your brain's executive functions. These executive functions are essential for a smooth and easy transition. This is why many people with ADHD struggle through change.

 However, change doesn't always have to be a struggle!

 Here are a few tips and strategies the next time you're facing a tough transition:

  • Create a time buffer

If the change is planned, like a vacation, schedule time before and after to ensure you have plenty of time to prepare for a change in your schedule.

  • Break it down

If you are faced with transitioning to a new big project at work, start by breaking down what needs to be done into individual tasks to avoid overwhelm.

  • Write it down

Don't rely on your memory to keep you on track. Make good use of your calendars and other time tracking tools. This way, it will be easy to know where to transition to next.

 And most importantly…

  •  Be kind to yourself

Change can be hard for everyone. If you find yourself overwhelmed by an unexpected transition, don't beat yourself up about it! Take time to slow down and reflect before moving forward.

Thank you for your time and attention!



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