Fill Your Cup

Life can be complicated. In a world where each new day brings about new unknowns can be stressful and hard to plan for. This can be especially hard on us personally.  This is why self-care is so important.

What is self-care?

The dictionary defines self-care as “the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress”.

Maybe you’ve heard the phrase “you can’t pour from an empty cup”. If you’re running on empty, it can feel almost impossible to do even the simplest tasks. It’s important to remember to take care of yourself so you can take care of your responsibilities.

There is no perfect way to practice self-care.

There are many different things you can do to refill your cup and renew your spirit. Whether you use meditation, spend time outdoors, or connect with friends, the key is to find what works for you.

The most important thing to remember is you are worth the effort of self-care. 

Thank you for your time and attention.



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