Let Your ADHD Creative Side Shine!

Add Creativity to Your Self-Care Checklist!

When you think of self-care, what do you think of?  I think about sleep, exercise, and nutrition. If I’m lucky, maybe a pedicure or a day out with friends.

You know what often never gets mentioned? Shining a light on your creativity!

Being creative is a way to manage your stress, unless of course it stresses you out to be creative, then this post is not for you. 

Did you know that ADHDer’s are more likely to be more creative than non-ADHDer’s? This is one of the positive sides of ADHD and one that should not be ignored. 

With all self-care, it’s important we make ourselves a priority and we do that by setting boundaries. 

Here are three ways to create boundaries:

  1. When you say yes to something, you are saying no to something else, be sure what you are saying yes too, matters. 

  2. Pause, and wait to give your answer until you’ve really had a chance to review your schedule. 

  3. Block your creative time on your calendar and protect it. Don’t let it compete with other tasks, this is your time. 

The day I was writing this post, I met with a client who shared with me that she realized that being creative brought her joy. I about fell off my chair, thinking, how did she know I was just writing about creativity! 

Maybe it was just a coincidence but I’ve always believed if something comes into your universe more than once, pay attention! 

Just like it’s important we exercise our bodies, it’s also important we exercise our spirit and if creativity brings you joy, please allow it in your life. 

There are no limits, being creative doesn’t mean just being an artist. You can find creativity in gardening, cooking, taking a new class, or as my client said, simply take a different route to work. Be creative with your schedule and try something new, go to the craft store and sign up for a framing class, whatever it is, I hope you find joy! 

Thank you for your time and attention.



Managing The Emotions Of ADHD


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