PACT Your Goals

Do you have goals?

Sure you do. We all do.

But how do you move forward toward your goals?

Recently on Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast, Pete and I discussed PACT goals.

What are PACT goals?

PACT is a goal setting technique created by Anne-Laure Le Cunff with Ness Labs, where the letters stand for Purposeful, Actionable, Continuous, and Trackable.

Most goal setting techniques focus on finishing—accomplishing the goal. PACT is more focused on output—what steps you’re taking toward your goal. The purpose is to positively track the progress toward your goal while creating new habits.

How does it work?

Let’s try a simple example to see how you can apply PACT goals.

Let’s say you’re looking to live healthier. Many people have this goal. Now let’s use PACT to see how we can get closer to this goal.


What’s the purpose of your goal?

Well, living a healthier life has a lot of benefits physically, mentally, and emotionally. Settle on a concrete reason for your goal. It can help to write it down and keep your reason in an easy-to-see place as a constant reminder.


It’s time to start doing something. Even if it’s something small, it’s all about taking action.

Start your day by doing 1 push up. Just one. Congratulations! You’ve already acted on your goal.


The more you keep up this action every day, the stronger you’ll become and the more you can do. This also begins to build the habit of exercising every day.


Keeping track of your progress can be a great motivator. Sometimes you don’t always feel like you’re making progress, but keeping a physical representation of your progress can motivate you to keep going!

Start Today!

Now that you know a little more about PACT goals, it’s time to put it into practice. What goals are you stuck on? What’s holding you back?

Trying using the PACT method and see how far you can go!

Want to learn more about PACT goals? Check out these articles:

Meet PACT -

…Make a PACT instead -

…Master PACT Goal Setting Now! -

Thank you for your time and attention,



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