Trusting Your Gut!

You may want to reconsider second guessing yourself.

At the International ADHD Conference, there was a speaker who said… “Trust Your Gut”. 

She was speaking about getting screened for ADHD.

If you are an over-thinker like me, this is not always easy to do. If you are easily persuaded by what others think, it’s not easy. 

However, every time you second guess yourself, you have to consider: Are pushing down your instinct?

This is not a question I know the answer to, but I do find it interesting to think about. 

What does it mean to trust your gut or to follow your instinct or intuition?

  • The dictionary says; it’s the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. 

It’s very hard to explain to someone what it feels like to trust your intuition, my guess is that it's different for everyone. 

Have you ever felt the hairs on your neck stand up when you are scared or look back at an experience and wished you would have trusted your gut and paid more attention to the red flags? 

Here are a few ideas on how to pay attention to the little voice in your head: 

Give yourself space. When we find ourselves in the middle of a chaotic storm, it’s hard to hear anything, but the noise around us. When I say give yourself space, I mean recenter yourself.  This may look like meditation, prayer, taking a walk, pet a furry friend, whatever it is, be by yourself for a few moments and ask yourself… 

  1. What were your first thoughts about this situation? 

  2. How is your body reacting to this situation?

  3. What are you observing about the situation? 

  4. What do you want from this situation? 

  5. Why do you want this? 

The answer to these questions, may lead you to be more questions and reflection, which can lead to more attention to your intuition. 

Thank you for your time and attention.



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