How Do You Find Your Joy?

Where do you go to look for joy?

Do you have somewhere specific you go or something in mind you immediately grab when you need a boost to the joy in your life?

Maybe you don't have an answer. That's ok too. It’s not always a simple answer.

Recently on Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast, I talked about a wellness retreat I went to with a friend. I had such a transformative experience, I couldn't wait to share some of what I learned on the podcast, so Pete and I talked about joy.

One thing we discussed about finding and holding on to joy is all about where you go to find your own personal joy or happiness. That may sound like an easy concept, but it can be a little tricky.

When you're feeling good, and there's nothing weighing you down, it can be easy to pinpoint the things that bring you joy. However, when you're feeling down or depressed, getting your brain to focus on finding those joy places can be a little bit harder.

Through our conversation on the podcast, we discussed the power of consistently aligning your thoughts toward things that are positive. Just like anything, the act of repeating something can help build a habit.

The more we consciously try to focus our thoughts and attention toward things that are positive, the easier it will be to fall into that positive mindset in the future, especially if we find ourselves heading toward a negative thought spiral.

It's a lot easier to guide yourself back toward the things that are positive and spark joy if you have already taught yourself how to get there. Then, getting back to the positive becomes second nature—it's just something you naturally do instead of trying to force it.

Now it's your turn!

Why not start today to begin building that internal muscle memory to move toward those thoughts and feelings that are positive and spark joy. The more you practice the habit of guiding your mind in that direction, the easier it will become.

Soon, you may even find yourself seeing the positive and finding your joy without even trying!

Thank you for your time and attention,



Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff


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