The Sky is the Limit

What is a limiting belief?

If you follow anything from TCA, you’re sure to have heard this term before.

Limiting beliefs are the things we tell ourselves that keep us from moving forward. Phrases that include definitive words like “can’t”, “should”, “have to”, “must”, and many others are used to force the narrative. There is no gray area—it’s black-and-white thinking.

Many of us have been listening to our own limiting beliefs for as long as we can remember. It can even be used as a defense mechanism to save us from the potential for failure. If we “can’t” try, then we “can’t” fail. Right?

But what if you did?

What if we stopped listening to the limiting beliefs and started believing limitlessly?

Could we fail? Absolutely.

But, could we succeed? Also, absolutely!

I truly believe that all of you are capable of doing anything—regardless of your ADHD or anything else you feel might be holding you back—you can do it!

Going from limiting to limitless

Changing how we think can be difficult. We have trained ourselves to think a certain way all our lives. Undoing that can and will take time, but the results will be worth it.

Be mindful

Mindfulness is the practice of being present; being aware of what is going on right now within you and around you.

You can use mindfulness to notice when you are using limiting beliefs.

Often we aren’t even aware when we think certain things. Practicing mindfulness helps us to be aware of our thoughts when they occur. When you’re aware of what you’re thinking, it’s easier to pinpoint these limiting beliefs and change the language.

“I get to…”

There are so many trigger words within limiting beliefs like the ones I shared above. It seems like it’s easier for us to think of these words rather than those that can open up possibilities.

To get you started, I’ve provided some examples of limiting belief phrases as well as the phrases you can use instead.

  • “I have to…” >>>> “I get to…”

  • “I can’t…” >>>> “I can try…”

  • “They won’t…” >>>> “They might…”

  • “I never…” >>>> “In the past I haven’t, but…”

Of course, these are only a few examples of how you can change what you say to improve how you think. I encourage you to take a few minutes and write down a few of your own ideas on how you can update your limiting beliefs and turn them into something full of potential.

You CAN do hard things!

Thank you for your time and attention,



Find Your ‘No’


Don’t Panic!