Today Is What You Make It

Every four years, we get to add an extra day to the end of February.

This 366 day year is called a Leap Year.

I honestly don't know the science or history behind the addition of February 29th every four years, but I am aware that it exists.

This Leap Year had me thinking about how we all get an extra 24 hours during a Leap Year that we don't get with all the other "normal" years in between. What should we be doing with that extra day?

Is it ‘just another day’?

Have you ever thought "I wish there were more hours in a day"? I know I have! It’s usually at the same time when I’m wishing for eyes in the back of my head and extra arms to get everything done at once.

Usually we tell ourselves it isn't possible to get more time and we just move on. But, every Leap Year, at the end of February, we get a whole extra day! It's like our wish was temporarily granted by a generous productivity fairy. And now, we have this whole extra day that we didn't have for the last few years! Think of all the possibilities of what you could do with an extra 24 hours!

But, the truth is, unless you make calendars for a living or your birthday happens to fall on February 29th, I can imagine, for most of us, it ends up feeling like 'just another day'.

Any day can be a Leap Day

That is when I realized, any day you choose can be special or meaningful or productive if you want it to be. We don't need to wait four years to get an extra day on the calendar and hope something finally clicks. That day can be today, or tomorrow, or 3 months from now—you just have to make the choice to find ways to make a difference with the time you have. It doesn't have to be big changes or dramatic moves—progress is still progress no matter how big or how small.

So, how will you turn 'just another day' into something more?

Don't wait! Start today!

Thank you for your time and attention,



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