It’s Not About the Destination: Finding Joy in the Journey & Celebrating Progress over Perfection
If you are always rushing toward the finish line, you may just miss out on a few things along the way.
Stop Spinning Your Wheels! Create Realistic Expectations to Help Manage Your ADHD
Stop trying so hard and instead, discover the secret to giving yourself a break, but still getting things done.
The Due Date Dilemma
You’re in for a special treat! This post was submitted by The ADHD Podcast’s very own, Pete Wright! Pete shares how a new feature, offered through the Todoist task management platform, may solve a big roadblock in your everyday workflow.
Map Your Workflow
When you don’t know what comes next, a mind map can help you find your way.
Good Enough is Perfect
Striving for perfectionism is a lot like staring Into a funhouse mirror and hoping you can make the reflection look exactly like you.