Three Tips to Get Your Organizing Projects Started
You know that organizing matters in your life and you're ready to take on a few projects at home. However, even with the best intentions, you can’t seem to get started. Here are three tips to make the process easier and none of them actually have anything to do with the organizing task itself.

The Solution to Increasing Your Productivity isn't to Work Harder
It’s easy to think if I just work harder, I will be more productive. This is a common myth that many people fall into all of the time. We think longer hours at the office and more items on our to-do lists will somehow help us get more done. The reality is busy work doesn’t mean the same thing as productive work. Read how to break this myth and what to do to work smarter.

Let Failure Be a Lesson That Leads to Success
It is not uncommon for me to hear resistance from a client when trying out a new strategy due to their past experiences. They wonder, "what if it doesn’t work?" and my question back is always, "what if it does?" Even if doesn't work, does it matter? Read how failure is actually a very positive thing and is a necessary step that brings us closer to success.

7 Ways To Create A Workspace That Works For You!
It’s too noisy. It’s too quiet. My chair squeaks. The lighting is all wrong. These are all distractions that can make your day turn into mush if you let them. Your work environment is a very important piece to your overall productivity and focus. Here are seven ways to make your workspace work for you.

How to Slow Down Your Fast Mind
Do you ever find your brain racing so fast, you just can’t get it to stop? It’s like riding a bicycle downhill, if you break too hard, you're sure to fall! Or maybe you feel like you’re being pulled in a million directions and trying to focus on just one thing feels impossible. These thoughts are very common with ADHD and I came up with a few suggestions on slowing the brain down, so you can at least feel back in control.