ADHD & Empathy with Dr. Tamara Rosier
Dr. Tamara Rosier joins us to help us understand ADHD and empathy, and how it may actually make us an easier target for gaslighting by others.

Overcoming Motivation Challenges with ADHD with Dr. Tamara Rosier
This week, Nikki and Pete sit down with Dr. Tamara Rosier about motivation and ADHD. Dr. Rosier, author of "Your Brain's Not Broken," shares insights from her experiences as an ADHD coach and professor to uncover motivation strategies for those with ADHD.

450: ADHD Stresspectations
We’re stressed! Clients are stressed. Kids are stressed. We’re all stressed. Why? Because when you’re living with ADHD, you’re getting more negative messages thrown at you like so many darts than those without. And because we set such high expectations for ourselves, those negative messages leave us feeling so much more deflated!