“Finished, For Now”: Planning, Overwhelm, and Motivation
We're talking about planning again and boy-howdy is this week a doozy. You want to plan, but when you do, you're overwhelmed by all you have to do? You're right in the bull's eye for this week. Join us and share your challenges for Coach Nikki!

Overcoming Motivation Challenges with ADHD with Dr. Tamara Rosier
This week, Nikki and Pete sit down with Dr. Tamara Rosier about motivation and ADHD. Dr. Rosier, author of "Your Brain's Not Broken," shares insights from her experiences as an ADHD coach and professor to uncover motivation strategies for those with ADHD.

412: Nikki's Take-Aways from the 2019 ADHD Conference!
Nikki’s back from the Annual 31st International Conference on ADHD and she has lessons to share!

403: Is it time to find a new job?
This week on the show, Nikki and Pete share a set of questions that can help you frame your own perspective at work and help find clarity in your desire to leave, or stick it out and work for change.

371: Designing Your Life
The nature of the new year gives us the opportunity to reflect on change. Are you setting resolutions that put an unhealthy focus on what you're not able to accomplish? Today on the show: making life design choices that focus on the good you do for yourself and your communities in the new year.

370: The Year-In-Review Listener Q&A!
We called for questions and you delivered! Thank you to everyone who wrote in — We hope we did your questions justice!

344: Do Rewards Really Work for ADHD?
Does the reward actually keep you motivated to continue to move forward on your projects? This week on the show, we’re talking about reward systems and ADHD and have some terrific suggestions from our brilliant listeners that you can try to keep yourself motivated and happy!

337: ADHD Inattentive Type with Dr. Doug!
Doug Herr is back with us all the way from Nashville to talk about ADHD Inattentive Type!

334: Procrastination
The trick with procrastination is that it’s easy. It’s the easiest thing in the world to succumb to inaction in place of action, especially when action is challenging. But when you let procrastination rule, shame is sure to follow, and the ADHD brain doesn’t work well in those conditions.

310: Burnout!
This week’s show is inspired by a listener struggling with burnout. On the job or at home, burnout impacts us all at some point in our lives. When you’re struggling with ADHD and facing burnout, the challenge comes when all your trusted accommodations and routines fly out the window. How do you find an anchor to stay grounded and focused on the positive?

299: Restore Your Motivation!
When you’re feeling compromised, finding a source of motivation can be a major stress. Responsibilities don’t usually wait for you to be 100% ready for them, after all.

295: Dealing With Unstructured Time and ADHD
Unstructured time can feel like a long walk in the desert… or maybe off a short pier? Whatever your metaphor for struggle with ADHD and time, when it’s unstructured, things can get challenging. Fast. Or not. Either way, it’s a struggle!

290: How do you show up in your life?
Inspiration comes from the most unlikely of places this week, yet sets the stage for an important conversation. Whether you’re living with ADHD or not, how often do you ask yourself how you show up in your life? Do you have a clear internal understanding for what it means that you are present? Do you stop to think about what you’re leaving behind? It’s these questions that build the foundation for our conversation today, but certainly not where it ends!

234: Getting Started — Motivation & ADHD
Today, a metaphor. You’re at the top of a hill. There’s a giant ball in front of you, held up by a rock. If you kick that rock, the ball will start rolling down the hill, picking up speed and racing on its way. But you’re struggling with your ADHD. So you look at the ball, you stare at it, and try as you might, you just don’t see the rock that you need to kick.

233: Creating a Vision for Yourself
This week on the show, Nikki and Pete talk about creating a vision for yourself, sculpting your loose goals into refined projects that you’re excited to make a reality. The race to January 1 begins — get ready to celebrate the change in your life!