394: Shame, relationships, and ADHD as an exercise in getting back on the horse with Dr. Michelle Frank
It’s our last episode before the annual July break, and what a wonderful person we have to introduce you to this week! Dr. Michelle Frank joins us to talk about shame, our relationships, and the daily practice of getting back up on the horse with ADHD.
388: Dr. Ned Hallowell on Self-Esteem, Human Connection, and Finding Your Difficult
"Driven to Distraction" author Ned Hallowell brings his valuable insights on a subjecting near and dear to many of us with ADHD: how do you manage self-esteem and self-perception while standing in the wake of ADHD?
384: What's a Growth Mindset?
This week on the show, we’re exploring the Growth Mindset. Thanks to some innovative work in how we approach our challenges, we have all the tools we need to improve our confidence and avoid getting mired in fixed resistance.
382: You Can't Make Me! Exploring Resistance & ADHD
That little voice in your head? The one telling you that you have no business doing what you’re doing? That’s the resistance. And you can tell it to shove off.
379: The ADHD Escape
Living with ADHD is a mystery. Sometimes, we’re completely present and aware of our symptoms, sure. But most of the time, we aren’t completely aware of what we’re doing, why we’re doing it, or the impact our symptoms are having on others… until we’re thrown in a laboratory.
364: Accepting Your ADHD Diagnosis
That first rush of relief that you feel when you’re handed the diagnoses of ADHD is exhilarating. And that feeling lasts for about three-and-a-half seconds, right up to the moment you ask yourself, what now? James Ochoa is back to help us with this question, and grappling with our very first ADHD Storms!
357: What do you do when you don't feel supported?
Receiving a diagnosis of ADHD can be hard enough. But what do you do when your partner, friends, or family don't work to understand and support you?
356: What we say to ourselves matters
It’s hard out there. Why do we make it harder by subconsciously practicing language that devalues us, our contributions, and our abilities?
354: Friendship & ADHD (Part 2)
Building and maintaining strong friendships is critical to emotional well-being. When we announced that we were doing a show on friendships and ADHD, you spoke up.
353: Friendship & ADHD (Part 1)
Building and maintaining strong friendships is critical to emotional well-being. But ADHD characteristics can put a damper on social convention. How to cope?
346: Loneliness
If you're living with ADHD, you know what it's like to feel misunderstood. That isolation can lead you to a place where advice like, "you should just get out more," is tough to take seriously. Today on the show, we're talking all about loneliness.
339: Today is a New Opportunity
We’re inspired today. Hot on the heels of a fantastic conversation with a client, Nikki has a message of hope and opportunity for change that we can each use to help us focus on the positive, the bright, the empowered. It all begins with a simple choice: Today, I have the opportunity to do something different ...
306: Evaluating Options — Lessons from Sheryl Sandberg’s “Option B”
Thanks to a listener email inspired by a recent book recommendation on Nikki’s newsletter, we’re revisiting a book that has been inspirational in our search for joy when confronted with hopelessness. We’re talking about Sheryl Sandberg’s book, Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy and using Sandberg’s journey through grief at the loss of her husband as a jumping off point for a conversation around finding hope, peace, and grace.
296: Don't Fall Into the ADHD Shame Spiral!
You start things, and then you don’t finish them. It’s the nature of being human to fall off the productivity bandwagon from time to time, but when you’re living with ADHD, what comes with unfinished tasks and projects is a feeling of overwhelm, avoidance, shame, and guilt that can cause you to drift into the shame spiral. Don’t fall for it! The ADHD Shame Spiral is a lie! This week on the show, we’re talking about the shame spiral, and how to break up your work in such a way that you’re finishing as much as you start, and you can celebrate every single accomplishment!
286: Living Life in The Adult Chair with Michelle Chalfant
Our guest today is Michelle Chalfant. Michelle is a speaker, therapist, author and educator and she has crafted a model for approaching the way we interact with the world that that can help you fight those voices, the limiting beliefs, and the blocks in the middle of your road.
285: Learning to Pivot around your Limiting Beliefs
Today, we’re talking about the stories we tell ourselves to justify our feelings. Sometimes, they help us to rationalize our own place in the world. But most often, these stories cement in us the belief that the reason we can’t change — finish a project, move ahead at work, create fulfilling relationships — is somehow based in fact.
278: Staying Mindful During the Holidays
Our friend and ADHD coach Casey Dixon of MindfullyADD.com is back to remind us of the value of mindfulness, and share the tools, techniques and strategies that can help us stay present as we run the holiday gauntlet!
230: Anxiety, ADHD, and the Holidays
This week we continue our discussion on ADHD and the holidays, with a conversation around anxiety, and the things that happen to us over big holidays that drive that anxiety and stress to their peak!