410: Creating Change In Your Life
This week on the show, Nikki introduces the Stages of Change with an eye on ADHD, and how you can use it to train yourself to better adapt to the world around you.
406: Facing the Emotional Storms of ADHD with James Ochoa
Straight from the Life Empowerment Center, James Ochoa is back today to share a story of his own emotional storm and the strategies he employed to move through it.
405: Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria: Dr. William Dodson brings new insight to Emotional Regulation
Today on the show, Dr. Dodson joins Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright to discuss Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria and provide new language to frame a state those living with ADHD know all too well.
404: Finding your ADHD recharge at the end of the day
Living with ADHD can be exhausting. But even at the end of a long day, responsibilities pile up. How do you recharge to stay focused… when your focus has lost its focus?
394: Shame, relationships, and ADHD as an exercise in getting back on the horse with Dr. Michelle Frank
It’s our last episode before the annual July break, and what a wonderful person we have to introduce you to this week! Dr. Michelle Frank joins us to talk about shame, our relationships, and the daily practice of getting back up on the horse with ADHD.
393: The ADHD Identity Crisis
Who are you when who you are changes on a dime? That's the topic of the show today, with a bonus listener question to help you get the most out of online education while living with ADHD!
392: Overcoming the Fear of Making Decisions
This week on the show, Nikki puts on the coaching hat to walk us through some of the questions that can help you walk out of decision paralysis and conquer your fear!
389: Patience, late bloomers, and ADHD
There's a brewing conversation on the value of late bloomers ... and what late bloomers can learn from those who've been blooming late with ADHD all along.
387: What’s That Anxiety? An interview with the hosts of the What’s That Smell podcast!
This week on the show, Nikki takes to the mic to interview Pete and Tommy Metz III about their anxiety podcast, ‘What’s That Smell?’
385: Resilience and ADHD
This week on the show we’re talking all about resilience, that state of being that allows us to rebound from short-term setbacks, and adapt to long-term change, without letting our ADHD get in the way.
382: You Can't Make Me! Exploring Resistance & ADHD
That little voice in your head? The one telling you that you have no business doing what you’re doing? That’s the resistance. And you can tell it to shove off.
379: The ADHD Escape
Living with ADHD is a mystery. Sometimes, we’re completely present and aware of our symptoms, sure. But most of the time, we aren’t completely aware of what we’re doing, why we’re doing it, or the impact our symptoms are having on others… until we’re thrown in a laboratory.
373: Creating Flow with ADHD
Today we’re talking about what goes into hyperfocus with an eye on creating a more productive, targeted experience for ADHD that the experts have dubbed flow. Is it possible to build a model of understanding our hyperfocus states such that we can train our brains to get better at it? Join us and share your experience, too!
367: Lessons Learned at CHADD/ADDA/ACO 2018!
Ever wondered what happens at a national ADHD conference? OK… that’s a leading question. This week, you're going to find out.
364: Accepting Your ADHD Diagnosis
That first rush of relief that you feel when you’re handed the diagnoses of ADHD is exhilarating. And that feeling lasts for about three-and-a-half seconds, right up to the moment you ask yourself, what now? James Ochoa is back to help us with this question, and grappling with our very first ADHD Storms!
363: Practicing ADHD Strategies
Today on the show we’re talking all about the practice that comes with making change, and how you can turn that library of notes and resources into something you can manage — one new skill at a time.
361: The Margins of ADHD
We spend a lot of time building gates and systems to protect ourselves from distraction of ADHD. But, what might we be losing at the expense of saying No?
360: What you want the world to know about ADHD — Part 2
We had so many fantastic submissions for our "What do you want the world to know about ADHD" poll that we had to do TWO episodes!
359: What you want the world to know about ADHD — Part 1
There are so many signals coming at us; judgments, criticisms, guidance, and support. But so often, these messages come from those with limited experience with ADHD. This week on the show, asked you a simple question: What is it that you want the world to know about your life with ADHD?