Break Time!

It’s always a great feeling when you get in the focus groove.

You’re moving along, checking things off your list, staying on task; life is great!

Eventually, you may find your focus waning and decide it’s time to take a break.

I’ve been asked many times by clients and followers of Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast, “what activities should I do during break time?” 

You want to choose activities that will give your brain the break it needs while ensuring you will eventually get back to work.

Here are a few suggestions to help fuel your break time:

  • Go outside

    • Many studies suggest getting a good dose of fresh air can assist in brain function.

  • Stay hydrated

    • According to, “Since your brain is mostly water, drinking it helps you think, focus and concentrate better and be more alert.” 

  • Choose unlike activities

    • The point of a break is to step away from what you’re currently focusing on. If you’re writing a report, try not to use your break time to write an email.

  • Get moving

    • Doing some light exercise will get that dopamine flowing in preparation for your next work session.

  • Clear the clutter

    • Straighten up the space in your immediate area for a better working environment.

Most of all, you want to find activities that will continue to stimulate your brain and increase dopamine flow, while avoiding falling into hyperfocus during your break time. While breaks are a good idea, be sure you have a clear stopping point so you don’t fall behind on your work.

Thank you for your time and attention,



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