How do I Know if a System is Really Working?

Am I doing something wrong?

This was a question that came to us during our livestream of our interview with Lisa Woodruff when we were talking about organizing systems. This is a great question and one that does not have a clear answer. 

Whether it’s an organizing system, a planner system, or whatever new system you are trying, it takes time to figure out if it will work out for you.

You have to give it a fair chance and after you have done so, then ask yourself, “is this system working?

Many times, ADHDer’s take the blame for it not working. They beat themselves up with negative self-talk and go into the future carrying this shame. 

The next system that is tried has very little chance of succeeding if you already think it will fail. 

There is no “perfect” system, it doesn’t exist.  

ADHDer’s are consistent with being inconsistent. Don’t let this rule your decision on whether something works or not.

When you did follow the system, did it work? How did you feel? These are much better indicators if the system really works or not. 

Give yourself time to practice. Don’t rush to a judgment until you can confidently answer the question, does this work? 

Then do some analyzing - What worked? What didn’t? What were my roadblocks? Can I change those? How can I make this better? 

After you’ve really thought through everything, then can you make a decision on what to do next, but please remember, be kind to yourself and give yourself the same grace you would give to someone else. 

Thank you for your time and attention.



Planning When You Can't Plan


Organizing with ADHD: Not Finishing is OK!