How Do You Function?

Being diagnosed with ADHD means so much more than that you just can’t sit still.

You may also find you have difficulties with self-awareness, planning, focus, and many more areas of your life.

A lot of these difficulties are found within your executive functions.

What are executive functions?

Dr. Russell Barkley states it this way:

Executive function is the cognitive process that organizes thoughts and activities, prioritizes tasks, manages time efficiently, and makes decisions. Executive function skills are the skills that help us establish structures and strategies for managing projects and determine the actions required to move each project forward. 

According to research, there are 7 primary executive functions.

  • Self-awareness

  • Verbal and non-verbal working memory

  • Regulating emotions

  • Motivation

  • Planning

  • Self-restraint

Having ADHD means you may experience difficulties in these areas.

While you may find it difficult to maintain focus or plan ahead, it doesn’t mean these are impossible tasks.

It’s important to seek help, whether through a therapist or coach, or researching solutions on your own. 

Finding out how to work with what you have is the best way to move forward.

Thank you for your time and attention,



Diagnosed—Now What?


Take a Walk on the Bright Side