Reimagine Your Finish Line

“You’re life isn’t a to-do list.”

I recently said this to a group of Patreon members during a Coaching with Nikki session. Then, it came up again just a few days later when Pete and I were recording our April Summary Fun episode of The ADHD Podcast.

It seemed like more than just a coincidence, so I thought I’d write a little more about it.

The world puts a lot of meaning into the ‘finish line’.

From the time we’re born, we are constantly being evaluated by what we’ve accomplished and how quickly we get it done. First steps, first day of school, graduation, marriage, landing your dream job—all of these things and more seem to be used to measure whether or not you’re “good enough”.

But, the reality is, reaching the finish line happens differently for everyone.

This means that while it’s great to reach goals and mark tasks off your to-do list, your life shouldn’t be measured by what you get done.

There are so many things we can celebrate about ourselves that have nothing to do with accomplishments.

This may be a different mindset than you’re used to, but I would encourage you to take a step back and try viewing yourself through a different lens—without judgement. You might be surprised at what you see.

Thank you for your time and attention,



The More You Know…


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