The More You Know…

“Medication is very different than education…”

What a simple statement, but it’s meaning can be so powerful!

This idea came from social influencer, Matt Raekelboom, during a recent episode of Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast. While Matt shared that he’s not anti-medication, he believes that medication alone is not the whole answer to living a full and productive life with ADHD.

I couldn’t agree more!

While medication can be a great help and accommodation for people with ADHD, it’s not going to provide the skills you need to complete tasks and live your life successfully. It’s important to learn how your ADHD brain works and how to work with your ADHD brain.

While it can be simple for me to say “go learn something!”, it’s a whole other story to actually know where to go and what to learn. With so many organizations and people posting their two cents across the internet, it can be overwhelming. What’s real? What’s important? Who should you be listening to?

Luckily, I’ve done some of the research to help you get started!


Here are a few articles from reputable sources.

About ADHD — Overview - CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder)

ADHD: The Facts - ADDA (Attention Deficit Disorder Association)

Everything You Never Knew About the ADHD Brain - ADDitude Magazine

Audio/Visual Learning

For those of you that prefer to hear and see what someone has to say.

ADDitude ADHD Expert Webinars and Podcasts - ADDitude carefully screens their speakers to ensure only the best and most accurate information is shared with their audience. You can also download the slide presentations from past webinars so you can visually follow along while you listen.

CHADD webinars and Ask the Expert series - CHADD offers a wide variety of webinars and discussions from a number of ADHD experts including doctors, psychiatrists, scientists, and other professionals in the field of ADHD. Their archive has hundreds of webinars available with an easy search tool to allow you to filter the topics you’re most interested in.

Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast - You didn’t think I’d forget this, did you? Our award-winning podcast has a catalog of over 500 episodes across the last 12 years. We’ve covered a ton of topics like organizing, mental health, medication, wellness, and more! If you’ve never listened to our podcast, I would encourage you to start with our introductory episode where we share more about what we’re about. Episode 2416: Start Here.

Organizations and Communities

One great benefit of joining an ADHD community is finding others that have gone through the same thing and can share what has worked for them.


Local support groups - CHADD helps to facilitate in-person, ADHD support groups across the US and Canada. You can look for a group in your area using their search tool.

Online communities - You can look for the support you need by posting questions or comments in the CHADD adult support community. With almost 16,000 members, you’re sure to find others who understand you and can offer support and guidance.


Virtual Peer Support Groups - ADDA offers online support communities to a wide range of people. Are you looking for ADHDers over 50? There’s a group for that. Is your non-ADHD partner in need of support? There’s a group for that too! LGBTQIA+, high IQ, African American/Black, couples, parents, entrepreneurs…there are groups for everyone! Note: You must be a member of ADDA to participate, but at just $5 a month, you can’t afford not to sign up!

Take Control ADHD Community

Discord - Did you know we have a whole Discord server for our ADHD community? You can join our general chat channel for free and connect with over 500 other ADHDers from around the world!

Patreon - When you become a Patreon supporter of Take Control ADHD, you receive access to a TON of benefits, including super secret access to other channels in our Discord community where a majority of the conversations take place. It’s a great place to connect and even create lasting friendships with other ADHDers around the globe who get what you’re going through.

Wow! With all those resources, you could be busy for the next few years with all the content that’s available! However, that’s not the real point. The point is to pick and choose topics that are relevant to you and really soak up the knowledge.

The more you know about how your brain works, the easier it will be to learn how to work with your brain.

Thank you for your time and attention,



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