Resources for Your ADHD Relationships

Relationships are important, but they can also be a lot of work.

When there are two or more people connecting in some sort of relationship dynamic (family, co-workers, romantic/marriage, etc), there are bound to be the occasional disagreements, hurt feelings, or misunderstandings along the way.

This is because we are all different. We all started with different lived experiences that shaped us and this can sometimes be the cause for conflict. But, if we can learn how to communicate properly in our relationships, we might find the conflicts pop up less often.

Talking about relationships on The ADHD Podcast

Over the last few weeks on Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast, we have been exploring different types of relationships, empathy, and even some of the scarier sides of relationships as we discussed gaslighting.

Below, I have provided a list of all the episodes of The ADHD Podcast that happened in this recent relationship series:

Gaslighting & ADHD

ADHD & Empathy with Dr. Tamara Rosier

The Invisible Tightrope: Navigating Parent/Caregiver-child relationships with ADHD

ADHD & the Non-ADHD Partner with Dr. Ari Tuckman

More relationship resources from our friends

While we covered some great topics during this series, I know that there are many, many more topics on relationships that we would need a whole other podcast just to talk about them all!

Plus, talking about relationships is not my primary focus as an ADHD Coach. However, we have a lot of friends in the ADHD community who focus on relationships. So, if you would like to learn more about ADHD and relationships, I have provided a few resources and other episodes from The ADHD Podcast archive below that might help point you in the right direction:

Dr. Ari Tuckman

Lying and ADHD with Ari Tuckman

Melissa Orlov

Find Friends and Flourish with ADHD with Melissa Orlov

Lessons in Love & ADHD with Melissa Orlov

ADHD, Love, & Chores!

Dr. Michelle Frank

The Gottman Method for Couples: ADHD and Relationships with Dr. Michelle Frank

I know that keeping and maintaining strong, healthy relationships can be hard when you have ADHD, but I also believe these relationships are worth it—and so are you!

Thank you for your time and attention,



Hold on to Your Happy Place


Remember Where You Started