Paying Attention to Gratitude
Paying attention to gratitude can change your life. If you want to be happier, be a better parent, friend, or spouse, practice gratitude! Here are some ways in putting this idea into action.
Timers That Work For ADHD
Time goes by fast especially when you are not paying attention. Here are a few recommended timers that work with your ADHD and help manage your time.
The One ADHD Habit That's Essential
Need more structure in your life but not sure where to begin - start with this one routine that will help you take back control.
Creating a Routine That Works
Wouldn't it be nice to know what to do next and have the confidence that nothing is being forgotten. That's what creating a routine does for you. Here are some ideas on how to get you started.
Don't Fear Structure & ADHD.. They Are Friends!
Are you resistant to structure? Many people with ADHD understand that structure is good for them however they still find themselves fighting it. Consider shifting the way you think about structure. Learn more here....