Finding Success In The Workplace With ADHD
Learning to work with your ADHD is much more productive than trying to fight against it. Here are several ideas on how to find success in the workplace!
Starting Again Is A Good Thing
It didn’t happen today or yesterday, but that doesn’t mean it can’t happen tomorrow! Starting over is not a bad thing!
10 Things To Know About Procrastination & ADHD
Procrastination is one of the most talked about challenges of ADHD with my clients. This post covers 10 things to know about procrastination and a few tips on how to conquer it!
Keep Being You!
Accepting and navigating your ADHD go hand in hand, here’s a note to inspire you to keep being you!
Review of the Back-to-School Series
Back to School is a fun, exciting and stressful time of the year and the ADHD Student has a different set of challenges to face. In this post, I review the different topics we covered in our Back -To-School series!